SN 2008
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Acronym | SN 2008 |
Title | IASTED International Conference on Sensor Networks |
Start date | Sep 29, 2008 |
End date | Oct 1, 2008 |
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CALL FOR PAPERS The IASTED International Conference on Sensor Networks ~SN 2008~ September 29 �?? October 1, 2008 Crete, Greece SPONSORS The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) PURPOSE Sensor networks are the focus of a worldwide, multidisciplinary community of scientists and engineers. The possibility of using small and inexpensive sensor nodes to create flexible and robust networks for gathering information is central to this vibrant field. Research is being undertaken to develop new networking methods, efficient power management strategies, and novel sensing and localization technologies. In addition, researchers are working to overcome challenges related to the use of sensor networks in a vast array of application scenarios. The IASTED International Conference on Sensor Networks (SN 2008) will be a place for these researchers to gather, exchange ideas, and discuss new directions in the area of sensor networks. It will bring together experts in fields such as networking, power management, distributed computation, remote sensing, environmental monitoring, and embedded systems. All papers submitted to this conference will be double-blind reviewed by at least two reviewers. Acceptance will be based primarily on originality and contribution. SN 2008 will be held in conjunction with the IASTED International Conferences on: Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (CATE 2008) Nanotechnology and Applications (NANA 2008). LOCATION The largest and southernmost island of Greece, Crete is a metropolis that retains its roots in classical history. Once the heart of Minoan civilization, Crete boasts Knossos, site of the famous Minoan palace, as well as countless tombs and chapels preserved amidst the modern cityscape. A wealth of other historical and cultural sites from Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman eras also beg exploration, while the traditional Greek cafés (kafeneia) highlight the growth of eccentric contemporary culture unique to the island. Lefka Ori (the White Mountains), Mount Idi and Mount Dikti, stretching to heights of 2500 metres, are part of a magnificent mountain chain that extends from one end of the island to the other, riddled with hundreds of gorges and caves amongst fertile plateaus of olive trees. Travel to Crete�??s interior to experience the local culture, untainted by tourism, or to the southern coast for paradisiacal isolated beaches. One-day sailing trips to the small islands of Gavdos and Hrissi, just off the coast, provide a relaxing escape from the lively city. SCOPE The topics to be covered include but are not limited to: ALGORITHM AND PROTOCOL �?� Cross-layer design �?� Data aggregation �?� Distributed algorithms and complexity analysis �?� Localization �?� Medium access control protocols �?� Mesh and opportunistic networks �?� Mobility support �?� Network architectures for sensor networks �?� Protocols for sensor networks �?� Redundancy �?� RFID �?� Routing and& transport protocol �?� Self-configuration and maintenance algorithm �?� Self-healing ad-hoc networksSelf-healing and self-configuration of networks �?� Sensor-actor networks �?� Sensor tTracking �?� SoC and SiP with integrated sensors �?� Target tracking �?� Time synchronization �?� Trends in technology and standards SYSTEM �?� Bandwidth management �?� Data storage and retrieval �?� Energy efficiency �?� Fault tolerance and reliability �?� Middleware design �?� Power management �?� Scalability �?� System debugging and testing �?� System implementation �?� Trade-off analysis �?� Traffic scheduling SECURITY �?� Base station security management �?� Encryption algorithm �?� Data aggregation �?� Information processing �?� Integrity control �?� Location and mobility �?� Mechanisms for authentication �?� QoS �?� Reconfigurability �?� Security and encryption �?� Sensor security HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE �?� Battery technology �?� Embedded chip design �?� Operating system �?� Programming abstraction �?� Programming and Interfacing �?� Sensor interfaces and placement �?� Software tools for chip programming �?� Topology control �?� Transceiver and antenna design �?� Ubiquitous and ambient networks PERFORMANCE EVALUATION �?� Modeling and validation of sensor network architectures �?� Monitoring tools �?� Performance comparison on capacity, coverage and connectivity �?� Performance measurement �?� Simulation and theoretical analysis �?� Tracing and trace analysis APPLICATIONS �?� Application evaluation and comparison �?� Application of ad-hoc and sensor networks �?� Application requirements �?� Demos and prototype testing �?� Potential application areas �?� Real life SN applications INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE K. Alexiev �?? Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria T. Anjali �?? Illinois Institute of Technology, USA J. Barros �?? University of Porto, Portugal S. Baydere �?? Yeditepe University, Turkey D. Benhaddou �?? University of Houston, USA N. Boudriga �?? University of the 7th of November at Carthage, Tunisia M. Cardei �?? Florida Atlantic University, USA R.-S. Chang �?? National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan C. Chen �?? Indiana University - Purdue University Fort Wayne, USA L. Cheng �?? Lehigh University, USA X. Cheng �?? George Washington University, USA S. Chessa �?? University of Pisa, Italy M. Coates �?? McGill University, Canada R.O. Cunha �?? Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil J. Delsing �?? Luleå University of Technology, Sweden M. Denko �?? University of Guelph, Canada C. Douligeris �?? University of Piraeus, Greece D.-Z. Du �?? University of Texas at Dallas, USA H. Eren �?? Curtin University of Technology, Australia M. Gaynor �?? Boston University, USA S.S. Iyengar �?? Louisiana State University, USA K.-D. Kang �?? State University of New York at Binghamton, USA E. Kranakis �?? Carleton University, Canada W. Li �?? University of Toledo, USA Q. Liang �?? University of Texas at Arlington, USA L.T. Lilien �?? Western Michigan University, USA C.-M. Liu �?? National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan J. McNair �?? University of Florida, USA R. Mehmood �?? Swansea University, UK S. Ozdemir �?? Gazi University, Turkey R. Palaniappan �?? University of Central Florida, USA S. Papavassiliou �?? National Technical University of Athens, Greece D. Pescaru �?? Polytechnic University of Timisoara, Romania M. Potkonjak �?? University of California, Los Angeles, USA C.R. Raghavendra �?? University of Southern California, USA K.U. Römer �?? ETH Zurich, Switzerland P.M. Ruiz �?? University of Murcia, Spain O.K. Sahingoz �?? Turkish Air Force Academy, Turkey T. Sheltami �?? King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia G. Simon �?? University of Pannonia, Hungary M. Song �?? Old Dominion University, USA W. Su �?? Naval Postgraduate School, USA M. Sugano �?? Osaka Prefecture University, Japan D.J. Thuente �?? North Carolina State University, USA G.Y. Tian �?? University of Newcastle, UK T. Tu�?cu �?? Bo�?aziçi University, Turkey A. Vidacs �?? Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary N. Vlajic �?? York University, Canada J. Wang �?? Virginia Commonwealth University, USA G. Yovanof �?? Athens Information Technology, Greece Q.-A. Zeng �?? University of Cincinnati, USA To be announced. PAPER SUBMISSIONS Initial Papers Submit your paper via our website at: All submissions should be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. The IASTED Secretariat must receive your paper by May 1, 2008. Receipt of paper submission will be confirmed by email. Complete the online initial paper submission form designating an author who will attend the conference and providing four key words to indicate the subject area of your paper. At least one of the key words must be taken from the list of topics provided under Scope. Initial paper submissions should be approximately six pages. Formatting instructions are available at: All papers submitted to IASTED conferences must be previously unpublished and may not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during IASTED's review period. Authors are limited to a maximum of three paper submissions. Authors are responsible for having their papers checked for style and grammar prior to submission to IASTED. Papers may be rejected if the language is not satisfactory. Notification of acceptance will be sent via email by June 15, 2008. Final manuscripts are due by July 15, 2008. Registration and final payment are due by August 1, 2008. Late registration fees or paper submissions will result in the papers being excluded from the conference proceedings. Final Papers Send your final manuscripts via email to: The subject line for the final manuscript submission must include your six-digit paper number. The formatting instructions can be found at: and must be strictly followed. The page limit for final papers is six single-spaced pages in 10 point Times New Roman font. Only one paper of up to six pages is included in the regular registration fee. There will be an added charge for extra pages and additional papers. TUTORIALS Proposals for three-hour tutorials should be submitted online by May 1, 2008. Tutorials are to be submitted via the following website address: A tutorial proposal should clearly indicate the topic, background knowledge expected of the participants, objectives, time allocations for the major course topics, and the qualifications of the instructor(s). SPECIAL SESSIONS Persons wishing to organize a special session should submit a proposal via email to: Proposals should include a session title, a list of the topics covered, and the qualifications and brief biography of the session organizer(s). Papers submitted to the special session must be received by May 1, 2008, unless otherwise stipulated by the Special Session Organizer. A minimum of five papers must be registered and fully paid in order for this session to be included in the conference program. More information on special sessions is available at: IMPORTANT DEADLINES Submissions due May 1, 2008 Notification June 15, 2008 Camera-ready manuscripts due July 15, 2008 Registration Deadline August 1, 2008 For more information or to be placed on our mailing list, please contact: IASTED Secretariat �?? CA 2008 B6, Suite 101, Dieppe Avenue SW Calgary, AB, Canada T3E 7J9 Tel: 403-288-1195, Fax: 403-247-6851 Email:, Web site:
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