Springer-ECRJ JOURNAL CFP 2009

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Acronym Springer-ECRJ JOURNAL CFP 2009
Title Special Issue of Electronic Commerce Research Journal on Trust and Privacy Aspects of Electronic Commerce
Start date Jan 1, 2009
End date Mar 15, 2009
Homepage www.springer.com/business/business+information+systems/journal/10660
... ...



Special Issue of Electronic Commerce Research Journal on Trust and
Privacy Aspects of Electronic Commerce


Although the internet has opened the door for businesses and consumers
across the globe, many issues and challenges remain in order to take
full advantage of this unprecedented opportunity. The lack of trust in
online transactions is one of the main reasons for the relatively low
electronic commerce adoption. Research on trust in e-commerce typically
views trust as an important condition of successful commercial exchange.
Consumers? trust in their online transactions is vital for the sustained
progress and development of electronic commerce. More specifically,
businesses engaged in electronic commerce can take advantage of current
technologies that allow them to collect vast amounts of information
about their customers. Therefore, techniques guaranteeing privacy in the
management of customers? data in Web stores can help building trust by
giving users a feeling of control on the vendor?s handling of their
personal information.

The main objective of this Special Issue is to report the
state-of-the-art research in this fast-growing area, and to propose new
methods, techniques and approaches for enhancing both trustability and
privacy of the electronic commerce applications.

Topics: Some suggested topics include but are not limited to:
- Trust models, formalization, specification, analysis and reasoning
- Reputation systems and architectures
- Privacy issues
- Legal aspects and law enforcement
- Ethical aspects
- Mechanisms for guaranteeing non-repudiation
- Trust management frameworks for secure collaborations
- Trust and privacy for electronic commerce
- Legal issues related to the management of trust
- Anonymity and privacy vs. accountability
- Privacy and identity management in e-services
- Robustness of trust and reputation systems
- Distributed trust and reputation management systems
- Human computer interaction aspects of privacy & trust
- Applications of trust and reputation management in electronic commerce
- Trusted platforms and trustworthy systems
- Privacy and anonymity issues in trust negotiation

Submission Format and Review Guidelines:
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. Concerning the
preparation of the manuscript, please refer to the "For authors and
editors" of the journal. The manuscript must be submitted in the form of
PDF file to the following addresses: herrmann@item.ntnu.no or
mozhgan@q2s.ntnu.no. The submission must include the title, abstract of
your paper, and the corresponding author's name and affiliation. In
addition, the papers, which have been previously presented in
conferences, could be submitted to this special issue if they are
substantially revised and enhanced by at least 30% from their earlier
versions. Please include in your submission the subject line: "ECRJ
Special Issue Submission".

Important Dates:
Paper submission: 15 March 2009
Acceptance notification: 15 August 2009
Final papers: 30 September 2009

Guest Editors:
Prof. Peter Herrmann
Dept. of Telematics
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Email: herrmann@item.ntnu.no

Mozhgan Tavakolifard
Centre for Quantifiable Quality of Service in Communication Systems
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Email: mozhgan@q2s.ntnu.no

Mozhgan Tavakolifard
PhD Student 
Q2S-National Centre of Excellence
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Phone: +47 73 592788
Fax: +47 73 592640

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