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Acronym | CASCON 2008 |
Title | 18th annual international conference on computer science and software engineering |
Start date | Oct 27, 2008 |
End date | Oct 30, 2008 |
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Theme: Computing for Next Generation Systems Sponsored by: IBM TORONTO SOFTWARE LABORATORY, IBM CENTERS FOR ADVANCED STUDIES in partnership with NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL CANADA CASCON 2008 is the 18th Annual International Conference hosted by the IBM Centers for Advanced Studies. This "Meeting of Minds" provides an exciting forum for exchanging ideas and experiences in the ever-expanding and critical fields of software development and computing. The CASCON 2008 program will include keynote presentations, technical papers, workshops, and a technology showcase. The technical papers program will feature experience reports and original research papers. The technology showcase will feature poster presentations and demonstrations on research in progress. As such, CASCON 2008 will be an excellent venue for presenting original work, exchanging new ideas, sharing results and experiences, and networking with researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government. Important Dates * May 5, 2008: Abstracts for technical papers due * May 26, 2008: Full technical papers due * July 21, 2008: Acceptance notification to technical paper authors * August 11, 2008: Camera-ready technical papers due * October 27-30, 2008: Conference dates Separate Calls for Workshop and Technical Showcase submissions will be sent out to those subscribed to the CASCON email notification list. To subscribe, register your email address at: The website for Workshop and Technical Showcase submissions will be open June 1, 2008 and can be found at * July 11, 2008: Workshop proposals due * August 15, 2008: Technology showcase submissions due Suggested Topics CASCON 2008 invites authors to submit original papers addressing any of the following topics: - Software Development Processes: development methods and = techniques; measurement and metrics; agile methods; open-source and global software development; COTS-based systems; requirements elicitation - Software Design & Comprehension: software architecture; object-oriented techniques; program understanding and reengineering - Reliability: verification and validation; model checking; = software testing; reliability engineering; quality assurance - Software Development Tools: compilers; integrated development environments; testing frameworks; supporting distributed and parallel computation; supporting collaboration and awareness - Databases: query processing; information integration; semi-structured data; data mining; knowledge discovery; schema migration; digital libraries; data warehousing - Security and Privacy: cryptography; access control; security in domain-specific applications; privacy and trust - Services Science: service-oriented architectures; new = computation and business models; large-scale system integration; legal, economic and societal issues; - User Experience: interaction design; multimodal interfaces; = privacy and trust; web-based interface design; development tool adoption - Web-based Systems: communities of practice; wikis and blogs; scripting languages; privacy and trust models; mobile web; semantic web - Next generation Systems: power-computing services and clients, real-time-aware systems. - Autonomic Computing: provisioning and allocation of resources; policy-based management - Grid Computing: Applications; data management; scheduling; = resource management; information services Best Paper Awards: Two paper awards - for Best Paper and Best Student Paper - will be presented to recognize the best technical contributions of the event in terms of originality, clarity and potential impact. To be eligible for the "Best Student Paper" award, a paper must have been primarily authored by a student and the work that the paper reports must have been undertaken by the student authors. Only the student author(s) of the Best Student Paper award receive a prize. The recipients must have been students at the time the work was undertaken. Submission Instructions: The deadline for paper submissions is May 26, 2008. However, please submit an abstract by May 5, 2008 to assist us with planning. To submit a technical paper, please register at the submission site Once registered, instructions will be provided regarding how to submit your abstract and paper. The paper submission web site will open on March 16, 2008. Technical papers should be, at most, 15 pages long, using 10pt font, in 2 columns. Detailed style descriptions, as well as templates are available at the submission web site. CASCON 2008 will NOT accept submissions that have been previously published, are in press or have been submitted elsewhere. The proceedings from CASCON 2008 will be published by IBM, and will be included in the ACM Digital Library. To submit a workshop proposal, poster presentation, or demonstration please refer to the conference site Please help us publicize CASCON 2008 by linking to the conference web site from your own Web site and by bringing this announcement to the attention of your colleagues. We look forward to receiving your submissions and meeting you at CASCON in October. General Chairs: Joanna Ng, Head, IBM Toronto Lab Center for Advanced Studies, IBM Canada Ltd. Christian Couturier, Director General, Institute for Information Technology, National Research Council Canada Program Chairs: Marsha Chechik, University of Toronto, Mark Vigder, National Research Council Canada, Program Committee Daniel Amyot, University of Ottawa Canada Giuliano Antoniol, =C9cole Polytechnique de Montr=E9al Canada Eric Aubanel, University of New Brunswick Canada Mike Bauer, University of Western Ontario Canada Leopoldo Bertossi, Carleton University Canada Dirk Beyer, Simon Fraser University Canada Jean B=E9zivin, University of Nantes France Roger Champagne, =C9cole de technologie sup=E9rieure Canada Daniela Damian, University of Victoria Canada Thomas Dean, Queen's University Canada Eliezer Dekel, IBM Haifa Research Lab Israel Hakan Erdogmus, National Research Council Canada W. Morven Gentleman, Dalhousie University Canada Mike Godfrey, University of Waterloo Canada Parke Godfrey, York University Canada Arie Gurfinkel, SEI/Carnegie Mellon University USA Alan Hartman, IBM Haifa Research Lab Israel Ahmed E. Hassan, Queen's University Canada Michael Hind, IBM T.J. Watson Research Lab USA Daqing Hou, Clarkson University USA Dean Jin, University of Winnipeg Canada Diane F. Kelly, Royal Military College of Canada Nick Koudas, University of Toronto Canada Tim Lethbridge, University of Ottawa Canada Grace Lewis, SEI/Carnegie Mellon University USA Chung-sheng Li, IBM T.J. Watson Research Lab USA Marin Litoiu, IBM Toronto Centre for Advanced Studies Canada Hanan Lutfiyya, University of Western Ontario Canada Kelly Lyons, University of Toronto Canada Tom Maibaum, McMaster University Canada Dwight Makaroff, University of Saskatchewan Canada Joel Martin, National Research Council Canada Hiroshi Maruyama, IBM Tokyo Research Lab Japan Frank Maurer, University of Calgary Canada Ana Milanova, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute US Gail C. Murphy, University of British Columbia Canada Susan O'Donnell, National Research Council Canada Brian O'Donovan, IBM Dublin Center for Advanced Studies Ireland Dietmar Pfahl, Simula Research Laboratory Norway Kevin Schneider, University of Saskatchewan Canada Gabby Silberman, CA Labs USA Paul Sorenson, University of Alberta Canada Bruce Spencer, National Research Council Canada Malgorzata Steinder, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center USA Margaret-Anne Storey, University of Victoria Canada Eleni Stroulia, University of Alberta Canada Ladan Tahvildari, University of Waterloo Canada Marco Torchiano, Politecnico di Torino Italy Vassilios Tzerpos, York University Canada Jon Whittle, Lancaster University UK George Yee, National Research Council Canada Yelena Yesha, University of Maryland USA Mathew Zaleski, University of Toronto Canada
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