TLT 2009
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Acronym | TLT 2009 |
Start date | Jan 23, 2009 |
End date | Jan 24, 2009 |
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THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON TREEBANKS AND LINGUISTIC THEORIES January 23-24, 2009 Groningen, The Netherlands SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS -------------------------------------------- The Seventh International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories will be held on January 23 to 24, 2009 in Groningen, the Netherlands. Submissions are invited for papers, posters and demonstrations presenting high quality, previously unpublished research in the topics described below. Contributions should focus on results from completed as well as ongoing research, with an emphasis on novel approaches, methods, ideas, and perspectives, whether descriptive, theoretical, formal or computational. Papers and poster abstracts will be published in paper as well as online proceedings. WORKSHOP MOTIVATION AND AIMS ----------------------------------------------------------- Treebanks are language resources that include annotations at levels of linguistic structure beyond the word level. They typically provide syntactic constituent or dependency structures for sentences and sometimes functional and predicate-argument structures. Treebanks have become crucially important for the development of data-driven approaches to natural language processing, human language technologies, grammar extraction and linguistic research in general. There are a number of ongoing projects aiming at compiling representative treebanks for specific languages. In addition, there are projects that develop tools or explore annotation beyond syntactic structure and beyond a single language. Experiences in building syntactically processed corpora have shown that there is a relation between formal linguistic theory and the practice of syntactic annotation. Therefore the connection between treebank development and linguistic theories and paradigms merits attention. This series of workshops aims at being a forum for researchers and advanced students working in these areas. We encourage interested potential participants to read the proceedings of the previous workshops (see the web page for links). WORKSHOP TOPICS -------------------------------- The workshop invites submissions that discuss relevant innovative work in treebanking, including the relations and links between, and possibly merging of, various aspects of morphological, syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic annotation; furthermore, submissions describing work on parallel treebanks and/or cross-language annotation schemes, on the relation between linguistic theory and the practice of annotation, and on applications of information in treebanks are encouraged as well. INVITED SPEAKERS ------------------------------- Adam Przepiorkowski Robert Malouf LOCAL ORGANISERS ---------------------------------- Gertjan van Noord, Gosse Bouma, Barbara Plank, Tim van de Cruys, Jelena Prokic, Cagri Coltekin, Erik Tjong Kim Sang (University of Groningen, the Netherlands) Ineke Schuurman (University of Leuven, Belgium) PROGRAM COMMITTEE -------------------------------------- PC chairs: Frank Van Eynde, University of Leuven, Belgium Anette Frank, University of Heidelberg, Germany Koenraad De Smedt, University of Bergen, Norway PC members: Anne Abeille, France Gosse Bouma, the Netherlands Aoife Cahill, Germany Stefanie Dipper, Germany Josef van Genabith, Ireland Jan Hajic, Czech Republic Erhard Hinrichs, Germany Julia Hockenmaier, USA Sandra Kubler, USA Domen Marincic, Slovenia Yuji Matsumoto, Japan Detmar Meurers, USA Yusuke Miyao, Japan Joakim Nivre, Sweden Stephan Oepen, Norway Adam Przepiorkowski, Poland Victoria Rosen, Norway Yvonne Samuelsson, Sweden Kiril Simov, Bulgaria Manfred Stede, Germany Yannick Versley, Germany IMPORTANT DATES -------------------------------- * Deadline for submission: September 15, 2008 * Notification of acceptance: October 17, 2008 * Final version due: November 17, 2008 INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION, LOCAL ORGANIZATION AND FURTHER INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ For more information on the submission procedure, instructions for authors, venue and other aspects of the workshop, please see the workshop website: INFORMATION ABOUT CO-LOCATED EVENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TLT will be co-located with CLIN (Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands), which will be held on January 22, 2009, in Groningen. Please forward this call to colleagues of yours who may be interested.
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