TOTH 2018 : Terminology and E-dictionaries

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isA Event
Acronym TOTH 2018
Title TOTH 2018 : Terminology and E-dictionaries
Start date 2017/11/17
End date 2017/11/17
Homepage id=1074
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TOTH workshop in Castelló, Spain

17th November 2017 Terminology and E-dictionaries

Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials Universitat Jaume I de Castelló, Spain Avda. Sos Baynat, s/n - 12071 Castelló, Spain

Scientific advisors

Amparo Alcina, Universitat Jaume I, Spain Rute Costa, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Christophe Roche, Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, France Esperanza Valero, Valencian International University, Spain

Call for papers

Building on the success of the past workshops, i.e. - The Definition in Terminology (Lisbon, 2011) - Contexts and Notes in Terminology (Forli, 2012) - Verbal and Non-verbal Representations in Terminology (Copenhagen, 2013) - Multilingual Thesaurus and Terminology (Brussels, 2014) - Terminology and Standards (Luxemburg, 2015) - Neology in Terminology (Paris, 2016)

The 2017 workshop will be devoted to - Terminology and e-dictionaries (Castelló, 2017)


In a globalised society, Terminology dictionaries, including all kinds of resources (knowledge and terminology databases, ontologies, wordnets, "traditional" dictionaries, etc.), should respond not only to human needs, but also machine needs.

The changes regarding information and language processing demanded by the evolution of society have consequences in: (i) the design of terminological resources; (ii) the way the data and knowledge are represented; (iii) the way the data are interrelated in the resource and between resources; (iv) the way the users access data; and (v) the users’ expectations.

In this workshop, we attempt to present and reflect on experiences involving the creation and use of Terminology e-dictionaries, from the theoretical, methodological and technical perspectives. In particular, the ways in which the terminology data may be linked to one another and the ways in which the users access them have changed drastically over the years. We believe that now, after a number of years working on these topics, it is time to rethink this new reality.

The following topics are proposed: - Methods of creation and design of electronic dictionaries, their maintenance and updating: computational and/or linguistic aspects.

- Comparison between lexicographic and terminological dictionaries. Processing of terms in general electronic dictionaries.

- Similarities and differences between electronic dictionaries, lexical resources, conceptual networks, ontologies.

- Use of electronic dictionaries, search and query forms, user profiles.

- Description of dictionary entries (denomination, grammatical category, definition, equivalences, images) and the forms of connection between them (links, cross references).

- Representation and computational processing of terminological data, syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations, semantic relations between terms (hierarchies of concepts, networks, etc.) in electronic dictionaries.

- Integration of terminological resources in different devices or applications, or their connection with other systems (such as automatic translation).

Submitting a proposal

Papers are to be submitted in the form of a 500 words summary, addressed to the organizers by 30th July 2017. These are vetted by the scientific committee, and notice of acceptance is given by 15th September.

Papers consist of 25 minutes oral presentation, followed by five minutes of questions from the audience.

The workshop authors will be proposed to submit an extended version of their work to a special issue of an international journal or of a book collection.

Scientific Committee

Guadalupe Aguado, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain Amparo Alcina, Universitat Jaume I, Spain Nicoletta Calzolari, CNR-ILC, Italy Rute Costa, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Pamela Faber, Universidad de Granada, Spain Christiane Fellbaum, Princeton University, USA Purificación Fernández Nistal, University of Valladolid, Spain Thierry Fontenelle, Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union Rufus Gouws, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa Sylviane Granger, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium John Humbley, Université Paris Diderot, France Patrick Leroyer, Aarhus University, Denmark Christophe Roche, Université Savoie Mont-Blanc, France Esperanza Valero, Valencian International University, Spain


Proposal for paper due (500 words): 30th July 2017 Decision of scientific committee notified: 15th September 2017 Workshop: 17th November 2017

Languages: Catalan, English, French, Spanish

Information: Submitting a paper: Secretariat: Organization:
