UAI 2008
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Name | Value |
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Acronym | UAI 2008 |
Title | Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence |
Start date | Jul 9, 2008 |
End date | Jul 12, 2008 |
Homepage | |
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The 24th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2008) will take place on July 9-12, 2008 in Helsinki, Finland. UAI 2008 is co-located with COLT 2008, which takes place at the same time. Both UAI and COLT 2008 are preceeded by ICML 2008 in the same location, with a joint UAI/ICML/COLT workshop/tutorial day on July 9th. We encourage submissions that report on theoretical or methodological advances in modeling, inference, learning and decision making under uncertainty. Submissions reporting on novel and insightful applications of these techniques within intelligent systems are also strongly encouraged. Examples of such application areas include, but are not limited to, computational biology, computer vision, speech processing, computational linguistics, information retrieval, medical systems, multi-agent systems and sensor networks. IMPORTANT DATES * Wednesday, February 27, 2008, midnight GMT: Abstract submission * Friday, February 29, 2008, midnight GMT: Full paper submission * Monday, March 3, 2008, midnight GMT: Student paper certification * Monday, April 21, 2008, midnight GMT: Author notification * Sunday, May 11, 2008, midnight GMT: Camera ready copy of accepted papers NOTE: midnight GMT = 7pm EST = 4pm PST PAPER SUBMISSION DETAILS UAI 2008 requires electronic submission of papers and abstracts according to instructions that will be posted on the conference home page. If authors have special circumstances that prevent electronic submission, arrangements can be made directly with the program co-chairs listed below. Authors are required to submit a title and a short abstract two days before the paper submission deadline. Submitted papers must be prepared according to the UAI 2008 proceedings format and must be no more than eight (8) pages long, including figures and bibliography. Papers that deviate from these guidelines will be rejected without review. The conference home page will contain format information and provide access to style files and templates. A submitted paper should not be under review by any other conference or scientific journal at the time it is submitted to UAI 2008 nor at any time during the reviewing period of UAI 2008. PRESENTATION, PROCEEDINGS, and AWARDS Accepted papers will be presented at the conference in either plenary or poster sessions. At least one of the paper's authors should be present at the conference to present the work. All accepted papers will be included in the Proceedings of the Twenty Fourth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. The program committee will select papers for special distinction in two categories at UAI 2008: a "Best Paper" award, and an "Outstanding Student Paper" award. The conference home page will contain instructions for certifying student status with regards to the latter award. ORGANIZATION General Conference Chair Ronald Parr, Duke University Program Co-Chairs David McAllester, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago (TTI-Chicago) Petri Myllymäki, University of Helsinki Senior Program Committee * Jeff Bilmes, University of Washington * Wray Buntine, NICTA * Max Chickering, Microsoft Research * Fabio Cozman, University of Sao Paulo * Adnan Darwiche, UCLA * Nando de Freitas, University of British Columbia * Nir Friedman, Hebrew University * Joe Halpern, Cornell University * David Heckerman, Microsoft Research * Tommi Jaakkola, MIT * Kevin Leyton-Brown, University of British Columbia * Kevin Murphy, University of British Columbia * Andrew Ng, Stanford University * Ann Nicholson, Monash University * Thomas Nielsen, Aalborg University * Prakash Shenoy, University of Kansas * Peter Spirtes, Carnegie Mellon University * Ben Taskar, University of Pennsylvania * Jin Tian, Iowa State University * Henry Tirri, Nokia Reserch Center * Linda van der Gaag, Utrecht University
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