VLDL 2008

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym VLDL 2008
Title First Workshop on Very Large Digital Libraries
Start date Sep 19, 2008
End date Sep 19, 2008
Homepage www.delos.info/vldl2008
... ...

First Workshop on "Very Large Digital Libraries"


*** Apologies for cross-posting***

First Workshop on "Very Large Digital Libraries"
Aarhus, Denmark, September 19, 2008
In conjunction with ECDL 2008

Workshop Objectives
In today?s information society the demand for Digital Libraries is changing. 
The implementation of nowadays Digital Libraries is more demanding than in the 
past. Information consumers are facing with the need to have access to an ever
growing and heterogeneous information space while information providers are 
interested in satisfying such needs by providing rich and organised views 
over such information deluge. Because of their fundamental role of information
production and dissemination vehicle, Digital Libraries are also expected to 
provide information society with services that must be available 24/7 and 
guarantee the expected quality of service. 

This scenario leads to the development of ?Large-Scale Digital Libraries? in 
terms of number of Information Objects and Collections to be made available, 
users to be served and potentially distributed resources needed to implement 
such systems. Such systems have to confront with new challenges in a context 
having scalability, interoperability and sustainability as focal points. 

The need for concrete solutions can be seen also in the substantial amount of 
resources invested by the European Union towards the creation of a unifying
European Information Space, starting with DELOS, BRICKS, DILIGENT and DRIVER 
in the past, and continuing with D4Science (a DILIGENT follow on), DRIVER-II, 
CLARIN, SAPIR and finally with the European Digital Library, a major effort 
to build a European-scale digital library to make available to everybody the 
rich cultural assets of the whole Europe.

New approaches and technologies have been devised to appropriately tackle 
the various matters arising in deploying large-scale Digital Library systems.
The goal of this workshop is to provide researchers, practitioners and 
application developers with a forum fostering a constructive exchange among
all of such key actors. 

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Service Architectures/Infrastructures for large-scale DL systems
- Experiences in building and operating large-scale DL systems
- Integration and Federation of existing DL systems
- Building and Managing Distributed Information Spaces
- Sustainability methodologies in large-scale DLs 
- Scalability management in large-scale DLs
- Interoperability techniques in large-scale DLs
- Quality of Service methodologies in large-scale DLs
- Data management in large-scale DLs
- Organisational models for large-scale Digital Libraries 

Paper Submission and Publication 
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers.
Submitted manuscripts will be limited to 8 pages, following the guidelines 
for the LNCS format provided by Springer:  
Preferred formats are PDF or Microsoft Word. Papers should be submitted 
electronically via email to vldl2008@isti.cnr.it. 

Papers submitted to the workshop will undergo a peer-review process. 
Accepted papers will be published in the DELOS workshop proceedings, which 
will also be made available in the DELOS digital library. For every accepted 
paper, at least one author is required to attend the workshop and present the 
paper. Depending upon the quantity and quality of the submissions, efforts to 
coordinate follow-on publications may be made, involving extended versions of 
some of the accepted papers.

Important Dates
- Paper submission deadline: July 1, 2008 
- Acceptance notification: July 25, 2008 
- Camera ready: September 3, 2008 
- Workshop: September 19, 2008

Program Committee 
- Stefan Gradman, Institut f?r Bibliotheks und Informationswissenschaft, 
  Humboldt-Universit?t zu Berlin, Germany
- Kat Hagedorn, OAIster System, University of Michigan Digital Library 
  Production Service, USA
- Dean B. Krafft, National Science Digital Library Project, Cornell 
  Information Science, USA
- Yosi Mass, IBM Research Division, Haifa Research Laboratory, University 
  Campus, Haifa
- Yannis Yoannidis, Department of Informatics, National and Kapodistrian 
  University of Athens, Greece
- Peter Wittenburg, Max-Planck-Institute for Psycholinguistics, 
  The Netherlands

- Paolo Manghi, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy
- Pasquale Pagano, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy
- Pavel Zezula, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, 
  Czech Republic 

For any inquiries, please contact the organizers at vldl2008@isti.cnr.it

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