VaMoS 2009

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym VaMoS 2009
Title Fourth International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems
Start date 27/01/2010
End date 29/01/2010
... ...

             Call   for   Papers

Fourth International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems 
               "Celebrating 20 Years of Feature Models" 
               Pohang, South Korea - January 27-29, 2010 
           with Keynotes by Prof. K. Kang and Prof. K. Czarnecki 

== Call for Papers ==  

 Managing variability is a major issue in the development, maintenance and evolution  
 of software-intensive systems. To be managed effectively and efficiently,  
 variability must be explicitly modelled. Numerous variability modelling techniques  
 have been proposed both by academia and industry.  
 The aim of the VaMoS workshop series is to bring together researchers from various  
 areas of variability modelling to discuss advantages, drawbacks and complementarities  
 of various approaches and to present new results for variability modelling and  
== Workshop Format ==
 VaMoS 2010, like the three previous VaMoS workshops, will be a highly interactive  
 event. Each session will be organized such that discussions among presenters of papers,  
 discussants and other participants are stimulated. Typically, after a paper is  
 presented, it is immediately discussed by pre-assigned discussants, after which a free  
 discussion involving all participants follows. Each session is closed by a general  
 discussion of all papers presented in the session. 
 The workshop language is English.  
 Attendance is restricted to authors of accepted papers, invited speakers, organisers  
 and PC members. 
== Topics (non-exclusive) ==
 -Modelling variability in functional, quality and economics requirements 
 -Modelling variability in the architecture  
 -Separation of Concerns 
 -Feature oriented software development 
 -Visualization of variability 
 -Handling complexity 
 -Formal reasoning and automated analysis on variability 
 -Configuration in variability management 
 -Application (e.g., embedded systems, information systems, service-based systems) 
 -Tool support 
== Submissions ==
 We look forward to receiving the following types of submissions: 
 Problem statements describing open issues of theoretical or practical nature. 
 -Experience reports which report on positive or negative experiences. 
 -Surveys and comparative studies that investigate pros, cons and complementarities of  
  existing variability modelling approaches. 
 -Research in progress including research results at a premature stage. 
 -Vision papers stating where the research in the field should be heading towards. 
 -Tool demonstrations describing the variability-related features of CASE tools. 
 The length of the submitted papers should be between 4 and 8 pages in IEEE CS  
 proceedings format. Details on how to submit will be available on the VaMoS web site:   
== Publication ==
 The proceedings of the workshop will be published as a Research Report of  
 the Institute for Computer Science and Business Information Systems (ICB) of  
 the University of Duisburg-Essen (ISSN 1860-2770). Last editions of VaMoS are indexed
 in the DBLP repository:   
== Important Dates ==
 Submission deadline:    November 10, 2009 
 Notification of acceptance:     December 10, 2009 
 VaMoS workshop:        January 27-29, 2010 
== Venue ==
 VaMoS will be hosted by the Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Korea. 

Steering Committee
 Ulrich Eisenecker   University of Leipzig, Germany 
 Patrick Heymans     PReCISE, University of Namur, Belgium  
 Andreas Metzger     University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany 
 Klaus Pohl          University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany 
 Kyo-Chul Kang       Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology, Korea 
General Chair 
 Kyo-Chul Kang       Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology, Korea 
Program co-chairs 
 Don Batory          University of Texas, USA 
 David Benavides     University of Seville, Spain 
Organising Committee 
 Kim Lauenroth       University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany 
 Kwanwoo Lee         Hansung University, Korea 
Program Committee 
 Vander Alves           University of Brasilia, Brasil 
 Sven Apel              University of Passau, Germany 
 Danilo Beuche          Pure::Systems, Germany 
 Jürgen Börstler        Umeå University, Sweden 
 Manfred Broy           TU Munich, Germany 
 Goetz Botterweck       LERO, Ireland 
 Oscar Díaz             Universidad del País Vasco, Spain 
 Alessandro Fantechi    Universita' degli Studi di Firenze, Italy 
 Stefania Gnesi         ISTI-CNR, Italy 
 Anirüddhā Gokhālé      Vanderbilt University, USA 
 Paul Gruenbacher       Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz, Austria 
 Øystein Haugen         University of Oslo & SINTEF, Norway 
 Mei Hong               Beijing University , China 
 Tomoji Kishi           Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 
 Stan Jarzabek          National University of Singapore 
 Roberto Lopez-Herrejon Johannes Kepler Universitat Linz, Austria 
 Tomi Männistö          Helsinki University of Technology, Finland 
 Vicente Pelechano      Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain 
 Antonio Ruiz-Cortés    Universidad de Sevilla, Spain  
 Camille Salinesi       University of Paris 1-Sorbonne, France  
 Klaus Schmid           University of Hildesheim, Germany 
 Doug Schmidt           Vanderbilt University, USA 
 Steffen Thiel          Furtwangen University of Applied Sciences, Germany 
 Pim van den Broek      University of Twente, The Netherlands 
 Frank van der Linden   Philips, The Netherlands 
 Matthias Weber         Carmeq GmbH, Germany 
 Jules White            Vanderbilt University, USA

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