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Name | Value |
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Acronym | WIALAMAS 2008 |
Title | Workshop on Logics for Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems |
Start date | Dec 9, 2008 |
End date | Dec 9, 2008 |
Homepage | www.comp.mq.edu.au/conferences/wliamas08 |
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Workshop on Logics for Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (WLIAMAS 2008) Held in Conjunction with The 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT'08) 9 December 2008, Sydney, NSW, Australia Workshop Aims: In order to develop theories to specify and reason about various aspects of intelligent agents and multi-agent systems, many researchers have proposed the use of modal logics such as logics of beliefs, knowledge, norms and time. This workshop will focus on latest developments in formal approaches to intelligent agents and multi-agent systems based on modal logics and their applications on various aspects of agency. This workshop in particular aims at bringing together researchers from the fields of modal logics, theoretical computer science and multi-agent systems as well as researchers who are interested in building agent-based systems that could draw inspiration from various forms of modal logics. Therefore, at this workshop, we expect to create a lively discussion and exchange medium for developers and practitioners of agent-based systems and researchers who are interested in formal models of agency. Workshop Organisers: Mehmet Orgun (Macquarie University) Guido Governatori (The University of Queensland) Chuchang Liu (DSTO) Mark Reynolds (The University of Western Australia ) Abdul Sattar (Griffith University) Program Committee: Thomas �?gotnes (Bergen University College) Louise Dennis (University of Liverpool) Hans van Ditmarsch (University of Otago) Tim French (The University of Western Australia ) Manolis Gergatsoulis (Ionian University) Aditya Ghose (University of Wollongong) Guido Governatori (The University of Queensland) James Harland (RMIT University) Hong Lin (University of Houston-Downtown) Chuchang Liu (DSTO) John Lloyd (Australian National University) Michael Maher (NICTA) Brendan Patrick Mahony (DSTO) Abhaya Nayak (Macquarie University) Mehmet Orgun (Macquarie University) Vineet Padmanabhan (University of Hyderabad) Maurice Pagnucco (The University of New South Wales) Mark Reynolds (The University of Western Australia ) Antonino Rotolo (University of Bologna) Abdul Sattar (Griffith University) Rolf Schwitter (Macquarie University) Liz Sonenberg (University of Melbourne) Kaile Su (Peking University) Tarmo Uustalu (Tallinn University of Technology) Leon van der Torre (University of Luxembourg) Dongmo Zhang (University of Western Sydney) Yan Zhang (University of Western Sydney) Topics of Interest: Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of interest for the workshop are: * logics for multi-agent systems * formal methods for verification of multi-agent systems * formal approaches to communication, coordination and negotiation * security, privacy and trust issues in multi-agent systems * resource-bounded reasoning in agent-based systems * models for context-awareness and mobility * decision formation / automation in multi-agent enviornments * models for dynamic agent-based systems Publication: Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society Press that are indexed by EI. Paper Submission: Note that IAT�??08 will accept ONLY on-line submissions, containing PDF versions. Please use the Submission Form on the IAT�??08 website to submit your paper. A free service to convert a number of widely used file formats to PDF is available at http://createpdf.adobe.com/ (the first five uses of this service are free) Note that full papers should be limited to a maximum of 4 pages in length in double column format as per IEEE conference proceedings style. Registration: At least one author of every accepted paper should register for the WI / IAT-2008 conference using the Registration Form. There is no separate workshop registration fee (i.e., only one conference registration covers everything). Important Dates: * Full paper submission due: 30 July, 2008 * Notification of acceptance: 3 September, 2008 * Camera-ready copy due: 30 September, 2008 * Workshop date: 9 December, 2008 * Conference date: 10-12 December, 2008 Post-Workshop Activity: We expect that the authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version of their papers for possible publication in a special issue of a relevant journal. The name of the journal will be revealed pending the conclusion of negotiations.
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