WNSA 2008
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Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | WNSA 2008 |
Title | The First International Workshop on Network Security & Applications |
Start date | Nov 11, 2008 |
End date | Nov 13, 2008 |
Homepage | www.netwsa.com |
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**Apologies for cross-posting** Call for Papers The First International Workshop on Network Security & Applications (WNSA-2008) (Co-located with ICCIT08) November 11-13, Busan, South Korea http://www.netwsa.com The First International Workshop on Network Security & Applications (WNSA-2008) focuses on all technical and practical aspects of security and its applications for wired and wireless networks. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on understanding Modern security threats and countermeasures, and establishing new collaborations in these areas. Authors are solicited to contribute to the workshop by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of Security & its applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following Network and Wireless Network Security Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Network Security Peer-to-Peer Network Security Database and System Security Intrusion Detection and Prevention Internet Security & Applications Security & Network Management E-mail security, Spam, Phishing, E-mail fraud Virus, worms, Trojon Protection Security threats & countermeasures (DDoS, MiM, Session Hijacking,Replay attack etc,) Ubiquitous Computing Security Web 2.0 security Cryptographic protocols Performance Evaluation of Protocols & Security Applications Paper submission Authors are invited to submit papers for the workshop through E-mail (wwsa2008@yahoo.com or workshop@netwsa.com) by June 30, 2008. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this workshop. The workshop proceeding will be published by IEEE CS Series. Please visit workshop web page (http://www.netwsa.com) for more details and submission information. Selected papers from WNSA 2008, after further revisions, will be published in the special issue of International Journal of Computer Science & Applications (ISSN 0972-9038) (confirmed). Important dates Submission of papers: June 30, 2008 Notification to authors: July 5~10, 2008 Camera-ready version: July 18, 2008 ********************************************************** Regards, Organizing Committee, WNSA 2008 ********************************************************* General Co-Chairs Dr.Ahmet Denker, The American University, Cyprus Dr.Jae Kwang Lee, Hannam University,South Korea Dr.Paul D. Manuel ,Kuwait University,Kuwait Dr.C.Pandu Rangan, Indian Institute of Technology(M),INDIA. Program Committee Members Dr.Abdul Kadir Ozkan, The American University, Cyprus Dr.Adalet N. Abiyev, The American University, Cyprus Dr.Ahmet Denker, The American University, Cyprus Dr.Andy Seddon,Asia Pacific Institute of IT (APIIT), Malaysia Dr.A.Arokiasamy, Eastern Mediterranean University, Cyprus Dr.Balasubramanian K,Dr.MGR University,India Dr.BALASUBRAMANIAN K,European University of Lefke,Cyprus Dr.Bulent Bilgehan, The American University, Cyprus Dr.Bong-Han, Kim, Chongju University, South Korea Dr.Calvin D, The American University, Cyprus Dr.Chadra Sekaran, Defense University College , Addis Ababa Dr.Cho Han Jin, Far East University, South Korea Prof.Chetty Babu, Defense University College , Addis Ababa Dr.David W Deeds, Shingu College,South Korea Dr.Dhinaharan Nagamalai, Wireilla Net Solutions Inc, India Dr.Jae Kwang Lee, Hannam University,South Korea Dr.Jung-Gil Song, Hannam University,South Korea Dr.Kabir Sadeghi, The American University, Cyprus Dr.Natarajan Meghanathan,Jackson State University,USA Dr.N.Krishnan ,Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, India Dr. Nabendu Chaki,University of Calcutta, India Prof.M.Jeyachandran, Defense University College , Asmara Dr.Mehmet Cudi Okur,Yasar University,Turkey Dr.Paul D. Manuel, Kuwait University,Kuwait Dr.C.Pandu Rangan, Indian Institute of Technology(M),INDIA. Dr.Rajendra Akerkar,Technomathematics Research Foundation,India. Dr.Sadik Ulker, The American University, Cyprus Dr.Yeong Deok Kim, Woosong University,South Korea Dr.Zafer Agdelen, The American University, Cyprus (To be a PCM, mail to wwsa2008@yahoo.com)
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