WebSci 2018
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | WebSci 2018 |
Title | 10th ACM Conference on Web Science |
Start date | 2018/05/27 |
End date | 2018/05/30 |
Homepage | websci18.webscience.org |
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Possible topics for submissions include (but are not limited to) the following: Current theoretical, methodological, and epistemological challenges of Web Science:
- Ethical challenges of technologies, data, algorithms, platforms, and people in the Web
- Interdisciplinarity in Web Science
- Modeling Web-related structures, data, users and behaviours
- Impact of big data on the development of Web Science
- Web Science approaches to data science, data analytics, and the Web of data
- Detecting, preventing and predicting anomalies in Web data
- Data curation and stewardship in Web Science
- Sharing Web research data, Web archiving, and scholarly uses of Web archives
- The psychological, sociological, legal and technological aspects related to the temporal and spatial dimensions of the web as a repository of information
Web practices of individuals, collectives, institutions, and platforms:
- The architecture and philosophy of the Web
- Social machines, crowd computing, collective intelligence, and collaborative production
- Health and well-being online
- Humanities, arts, and culture on the Web
- Web Science and the Internet of Things
- Web economics, social entrepreneurship, and innovation
- Analysis of online social and information networks, social media analyses
- Governance, democracy, access, intellectual property:
- Personal data and privacy
- Anonymity, security and trust for Web access
- Web access, literacy, divides, and development
- Knowledge, education, and scholarship on and through the Web
WebSci18 is a selective conference with a rigorous review process. Reviewing will be single-blind (authors are identified on submissions; reviewers are anonymized). To accommodate the distinct traditions of Web Science’s many disciplines, we allow for two different paper submission formats: full papers and short papers.
Full papers are up to 8-10 pages long, ACM double column. Full papers should present new and substantial theoretical, empirical, methodological, or policy-oriented contributions to research and/or practice. Full papers include an abstract, an introduction, sections and especially significant conclusions and should be well on top of the current literature in the field as evidenced by appropriate referencing. Full papers should be original work that has not been previously published. Full papers are presented through regular talks. The program committee may decide to recommend full papers that were rejected as such to be accepted as short papers, if the authors agree.
Short papers are 3-5 pages long, ACM double column. Short papers should present new ideas and/or work in progress that may have significant impact to or implications for the progress of the Web and Web Science. Short papers should include an abstract, an introductory paragraph and appropriate references. Short papers should be original work that has not been previously published. Short papers are assigned short talks.
Both types of accepted submissions will be included in the proceedings, which will be archived by the ACM Digital Library. However, in order to accommodate the publication priorities of different scientific communities, we allow authors to opt out of having their contribution appear in the published proceedings (thus allowing the authors to retain the right to publish later in academic journals).
Furthermore, the WebSci18 Scientific Program Chairs intend to organize a special issue of The Journal of Web Science. Authors of selected full and short papers and extended abstracts will be contacted and invited to submit a full-length journal paper for the special issue. All papers invited to this submission will go through a peer-review process before receiving final approval.
Submission Instructions
Full and short paper submissions should be formatted according to the official ACM SIG Conference Proceedings.
See http://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template (From the zip files provided, please select the SIGCONF version.)
You can find the WebSci’18 paper submission pages at Easychair
Important Dates
Important dates for conference papers
- Sunday February 11th, 2018 – Submission of long papers and short papers: PDFs of these submissions must be uploaded to EasyChair by this date.
- Friday March 23rd , 2018 – Notification of Acceptance: Acceptances and rejections of long papers and short papers are sent out.
- Friday April 13th, 2018 – Final Publication version due. Presenters who do not opt out of having their contribution appear in the ACM proceedings must upload the camera-ready copy of their paper to EasyChair by this date.
Important dates for events
- Sunday 26th November 2017 – Event proposal submissions
- Friday 08th December 2017 – Notification of event acceptance
- Friday 15 December 2017 – First launch of event websites
- February 2018 – Event paper submission and notification deadlines (if applicable, details left to organizers)
- Friday 04th May 2018 – Camera-ready papers due for WebSci’18 Workshop Proceedings
- Sunday 27th May 2018 – Event date
- General Chair
- Hans Akkermans, Network Institute, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- General Co-Chairs
- Kathy Fontaine, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA
- Ivar Vermeulen, Network Institute, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Program Chairs
- Geert-Jan Houben, TU Delft, The Netherlands
- Matthew S. Weber, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA
- Workshop Chairs
- Paolo Boldi, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
- Anna Bon, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Susan Halford, University of Southampton, UK
- Katharina Kinder-Kurlanda, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Cologne, Germany
- WebSci Interdisciplinary PhD Symposium Chairs
- Pete Burnap, Cardiff University, UK
- Leslie Carr, Web Science Institute, University of Southampton, UK
- Poster Chairs
- Pete Burnap, Cardiff University, UK
- Leslie Carr, Web Science Institute, University of Southampton, UK
- Sponsorship Chairs
- Carlos Pedrinaci, Roche, UK
- Communication and PR Chair
- Wendelien Tuijp, International Office/CIS, VU Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Nonlocal Organization Chair
- Susan Davies, Web Science Trust, University of Southampton, UK
- Local Organization Committee