ZEUS 2012

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isA Event
Start date Feb 23, 2012
End date Feb 24, 2012
Homepage http://zeus2012.pi.uni-bamberg.de/
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ZEUS 2012: CALL FOR PAPERS [Apologies for cross-postings]


4th Central-European Workshop on Services and their Composition (ZEUS)

February 23-24, 2012 * Bamberg, Germany * http://zeus2012.pi.uni-bamberg.de/


The 4th Central-European Workshop on Services and their Composition (ZEUS) will

take place at Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg, Germany, on February 23rd and 24th, 2012.

ZEUS is a free, but high-quality opportunity to discuss research work.


Participation is free of charge!




1. Discuss fresh ideas

ZEUS is a classical scientific workshop. We are seeking creative ideas and

ongoing scientific work with some preliminary results. ZEUS offers you an

open-minded community of services researchers who are willing to discuss

your ideas and help you improve your contents for highly ranked conferences.

Your submission will be peer-reviewed by at least three independent reviewers

and may be rejected, accepted as position statement or as full workshop paper.

Innovation and creativity are the most important factors for ZEUS. Of course,

the rules of technical correctness and scientific method must be adhered to as well.

2. Establish young researchers’ network

We aim at bringing together young researchers who work in the same geographic

and the same scientific region. We would like to provide an opportunity for

young researchers to establish a scientific network that can be intensely used,

including mutual visits at affordable costs. The workshop will serve as platform

to present current research ideas and research directions. Although grounded in

the German-speaking services community, ZEUS is open to the European services

community as a whole. Submissions and talks are expected to be provided in English.



The topics of the ZEUS workshop are centered around choreography and orchestration

technology which includes a rich set of facets. Formal aspects of choreography or

orchestration languages for the purpose of analysis, synthesis or simulation of

service compositions are as welcome as practical evaluations, use case-driven

feasibility studies or technology adoption models. In particular, the use of

choreography and orchestration models by different types of stakeholders, say

software engineers and domain experts, and the application of choreography and

orchestration in cloud-based computing models are of major interest.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

Integration of choreography and orchestration models

Conformance notions

Analysis, simulation and verification

Modelling and specification

Execution and monitoring

Testing, deployment and practical issues

Adoption models for choreography and orchestration technology

Value and maturity assessment

Multi-view and multi-perspective engineering

Advanced communication qualities in choreography and orchestration scenarios


Choreographies and orchestrations in Cloud environments

Interoperability of language formats as well as models



Results can be presented in talks or tool demonstrations. Submissions will be reviewed

by at least three reviewers each in order to assure general fitness regarding content,

readability and scope and to give first feedback to the authors. Depending on innovation,

technical soundness and presentation clarity, papers may be rejected or accepted as

position statement or full paper.

Papers and tool demonstrations can be submitted until January 20, 2012 via Easychair


Submitted papers shall not exceed 6 pages in Springer LNCS style.

Important Dates


Submission deadline: January 20, 2012

Notification: February 3, 2012

Camera Ready Version: February 15, 2011

Registration: February 15, 2012

Workshop: February 23-24, 2012

Post-Workshop Proceedings Version: March 16, 2012



1 Steering Committee

Oliver Kopp, University of Stuttgart

Niels Lohmann, University of Rostock

Karsten Wolf, University of Rostock

2 Program Chairs

Oliver Kopp, University of Stuttgart

Niels Lohmann, University of Rostock

Andreas Schönberger, University of Bamberg

3 Program Committee

Rafael Accorsi, University of Freiburg

Daniel Beimborn, University of Bamberg

Gero Decker, signavio

Daniel Eichhorn, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Dirk Fahland, TU Eindhoven

Christian Gierds, Humboldt-University of Berlin

Christian Huemer, TU Vienna

Meiko Jensen, Ruhr-University Bochum

Nils Joachim, University of Bamberg

Oliver Kopp, University of Stuttgart

Agnes Koschmider, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Philipp Leitner, TU Vienna

Niels Lohmann, University of Rostock

Christoph M. Pflügler, University of Augsburg

Stephan Reiff-Marganiec, University of Leicester

Andreas Schönberger, University of Bamberg

Christian Stahl, Eindhoven University of Technology

Jan Sürmeli, Humboldt-University of Berlin

Robert Warschofsky, Hasso Plattner Institiute Potsdam

Matthias Weidlich, Hasso Plattner Institiute Potsdam

Andreas Wombacher, University of Twente

Marco Zapletal, TU Vienna



Andreas Schoenberger

Distributed and Mobile Systems Group

Faculty Information Systems and Applied Computer Science

Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg

Feldkirchenstr. 21

D-96052 Bamberg, Germany

Mail: andreas.schoenberger(at)uni-bamberg.de; zeus2012@easychair.org

More information


ZEUS 2012 Homepage: http://zeus2012.pi.uni-bamberg.de/

ZEUS WS Series: http://zeus-workshop.eu/