IEEE LATINCOM 2017 : 9th Latin-American Conference on Communications

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Acronym IEEE LATINCOM 2017
Title IEEE LATINCOM 2017 : 9th Latin-American Conference on Communications
Start date 2017/11/08
End date 2017/11/10
... ...


Submission of full papers: July 31th, 2017 Submission of tutorial proposals: July 31th, 2017 Notification of acceptance: September 30th, 2017 Submission of camera-ready papers: October 15th, 2017


The 9th Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM 2017) will be held in Guatemala City, Guatemala, Central America. The IEEE LATINCOM is the premier ComSoc organized in Latin America. It has attracted authors and attendees from the four corners of the world since its first editions.

This event will be an excellent opportunity to join together researchers, professors, students and the industry. Accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore and besides a selection of the best papers will be published in the IEEE Latin America Transactions (an ISI indexed journal).

Guatemala City serves as the economic, governmental, and cultural epicenter of the nation of Guatemala. The city also functions as Guatemala’s main transportation hub, hosting an international airport, La Aurora International Airport, and serving as the origination or end points for most of Guatemala’s major highways. In addition to a wide variety of restaurants, hotels, shops, and a modern BRT transport system (Transmetro), the city is home to many art galleries, theaters, sports venues and museums (including some fine collections of Pre-Columbian art) and provides a growing number of cultural offerings. Furthermore, among the most visited touristic locations are La Antigua Guatemala (a colonial city and previous capital of Guatemala), Atitlan Lake and Mayan Ruins of Tikal and El Mirador.


TOPICS OF INTEREST We encourage the submission of original, unpublished research focused on (but not limited to) the following topics of interest:

NETWORKING - Networking for Cloud Computing - Mobile Cloud Computing and Mobile Edge Computing - Communications for Smart grid - Peer-to-Peer networking - Social Networks - Network Functions Virtualization - Software Define Network - Big Data Management - Content-oriented Infrastructures - Smart Cities and Urban Computing Networking - Vehicular Networks - Communications for IoT and enabling infrastructures (Fog/edge) - Next Generation Networking

COMMUNICATION SERVICES - Emergency Communications - Broadcast services (Digital TV, HDTV, IPTV, etc.) - Multimedia Services and Applications - Service Security and Privacy - Services for disaster situations and humanitarian services - Location-based Information Systems - Communications for Intelligent Transport Systems - E-Health E-Governance, E-Transportation, E-Agriculture etc.

OPTICAL NETWORKS - Elastic networks - Access networks - Optical communications - Optical & wireless convergence

COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING - Communication Theory - Power Line Communications - Radio Communications - Satellite & Space Communications - Signal Processing & Communications Electronics - Data storage - Transmission, access and optical system - Cross-layer design

WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING - 5G and 4G Communications and Networking - Device-to-Device Communications - Non Orthogonal Multiple Access - mmWave and VLC communications - Machine to Machine Communications, Internet of things and Smart Cities - Cognitive networks - Cross-layer design - Ad Hoc, sensor, mesh and access networks - Radio, Satellite and space communications - Software Defined Networking and Network functions virtualization - Wireless Cloud and Fog Networks

SUSTAINABLE COMMUNICATIONS AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY - Green wireless and fixed-line communications - Energy-efficient protocols and networks - Green Data Centers and Cloud Networking - Energy-Efficient Datacenters and Networks - Smart Grid communications - Trials and experiences of operators

COMMUNICATION QOS, RELIABILITY AND PERFORMANCE MODELING - Communications systems integration and modeling - Performance evaluation - Reliability of systems and networks - Traffic engineering and traffic theory - Traffic characterization and measurements - Quality of Experience and Quality of Service

ENABLING TECHNOLOGIES - Network management - Switching and Routing - Internet protocols - Communications protocols - Communications and information security

PAPER SUBMISSION We invite authors to submit high-quality full papers reporting original and novel research results on all above topics. Papers must be written in English, unpublished and not submitted elsewhere. Full papers must be formatted as the standard IEEE double-column conference template and submitted exclusively in PDF on JEMS ( at the IEEE LATINCOM 2017 page. Maximum 6 pages are allowed for each paper, including all illustrations and references. The submission will be open on May 15th.

CALL FOR TUTORIAL PROPOSALS Proposals are invited for half-/full-day tutorials on topics of interest of the conference. Proposals must be submitted by e-mail to, including title, abstract, full contact information, introduction to the subject, preferred length, past history, biography of the lecturer, and the detailed outline.

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE General Chair: Marco Antonio To, Universidad Galileo / IEEE GT, Guatemala

Executive Chair: Juan David Alvarado, IEEE ComSoc, Guatemala

Technical Program CoChairs: Luiz Fernando Bittencourt, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil Rose Hu, Utah State University, USA

Finance Chair: José Chanquín, IEEE GT, Guatemala

Publication Chair: Carlos E. Velásquez, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia

Patrons Chair: Christian Orellana, IEEE GT, Guatemala

Operations Chair: Oscar Rodas, Universidad Galileo, Guatemala

Social Media Chair & Webmaster: Rodrigo Villatoro, IEEE GT, Guatemala

Advisory Committee: Nelson Fonseca, UNICAMP, Brazil Stefano Bregni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Carlos Lozano, IEEE ComSoc R9, Colombia Jose David Cely, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia

Organizers IEEE ComSoc IEEE Guatemala Section IEEE Guatemala ComSoc Chapter