IEW 2018 : International Electrostatic Discharge Workshop

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Acronym IEW 2018
Title IEW 2018 : International Electrostatic Discharge Workshop
Start date 2018/05/14T12:00:00
End date 2018/05/18T12:00:00
... ...

EOS/ESD Association, Inc. is now soliciting presentation abstracts for the 12th annual International Electrostatic Discharge Workshop (IEW). The Workshop will be held May 14-18, 2018 at the Corsendonk Priory Hotel, Oud-Turnhout, Belgium.

The workshop will include invited seminar speakers, discussion groups, invited talk speakers, technical presentation sessions, and special interest groups. The IEW is the perfect opportunity to submit late breaking and exciting new research to stimulate discussion and interaction around new ideas, encouraging new research topics. To maintain the unique IEW experience and provide ample opportunity for discussion, there will be an increased focus on discussion groups and invited speakers in 2018. The IEW workshop presentation format for technical sessions will begin with each author presenting a brief summary to highlight key findings, followed by an interactive poster-based discussion session among authors and attendees. The IEW is closely aligned with the EOS/ESD Symposium for collaborative conference activities.

In keeping with the informal character of this workshop, the abstract should be in the form of a short PowerPoint presentation, containing a summary slide and 5 additional slides; including representative data and figures that will be the foundation for the full “poster” presentation to be presented / discussed at the workshop. Abstracts must be emailed in pdf or PPT format to, no later than October 2, 2017, and must include the title, author’s name, and author’s affiliation. The technical program committee will announce the selections to authors on or before October 23, 2017.