IJITE 2017 : International Journal on Integrating Technology in Education

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Title IJITE 2017 : International Journal on Integrating Technology in Education
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End date 2017/07/28T01:34:15
Homepage http://airccse.org/journal/ijite/home.html
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International Journal on Integrating Technology in Education (IJITE)

CALL FOR PAPERS This journal is an interdisciplinary form for educators who wish to improve the quality of instruction through the use of computers and how to implement it effectively into instruction. This forum also aims to provide a platform for exchanging ideas in new emerging trends that needs more focus and exposure and will attempt to publish proposals that strengthen our goals.

TOPICS OF INTEREST INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING Integrating technology in curriculum: Challenges & StrategiesCollaborative & Interactive LearningTools for 21st Century learningIntelligent systemsEducation Management SystemsEducation Policy and LeadershipBusiness EducationVirtual and remote laboratoriesPedagogy Enhancement with E-LearningCourse Management Systems Educating the educatorsProfessional Development for teachers in ICTTeacher EvaluationWeb-based tools for educationGames and simulations in Education Learning / Teaching Methodologies and AssessmentCurriculum, Research and DevelopmentCounselor EducationStudent Selection Criteria in Interdisciplinary StudiesGlobal Issues in Education and ResearchTechnology Support for Pervasive LearningArtificial Intelligence, Robotics and Human computer Interaction in EducationMobile/ubiquitous computing in educationWeb 2.0, Social Networking, Blogs and WikisMultimedia in EducationPAPER SUBMISSION Authors are invited to submit papers for this journal through E-mail: ijitejournal@airccse.org [ijitejournal@airccse.org]. Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this Journal.

IMPORTANT DATES Submission Deadline: July 29, 2017Authors Notification: August 29, 2017Final Manuscript Due:September 06, 2017Publication Date:Determined by the Editor-in-Chief RELATED JOURNAL :

* Computer Game Development and Education: An International Journal ( CGDEIJ )


* Chris T. Panagiotakopoulos
  , University of Patras, Greece


* Verykios Vassilios
  , Hellenic Open University, Greece


* Alicia Trivino
  University of Malaga, Spain
* Chi-Chang Chen
  [5], I-Shou
  University, Taiwan
* Ioannis Dimakos
  , University of Patras, Greece
* Menelaos Sarris
  , University of Patras, Greece
* Mohamed Fahad AlAjmi
  , King Saud University, Saudi Arabia
* Moon Ho Lee
  Chonbuk National University, Korea
* TGK Vasista
  [10], King
  Saud University, KSA

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