JIST 2017 : 7th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | JIST 2017 |
Title | JIST 2017 : 7th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference |
Start date | 2017/11/10 |
End date | 2017/11/12 |
Homepage | http://www.ict.griffith.edu.au/aist/jist2017 |
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The 7th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST 2017)
November 10-12, 2017 (Fri - Sun) Gold Coast, Australia
The mission of the Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST) is
bring together researchers in Semantic Technology research community and other
of semantic related technologies to present their innovative research results or
novel applications of semantic technologies.
In this announcement: 1. Important Dates 2. Recommendation to SCI Journals 3. Call for Papers 4. Submission Guide 5. Organization
1. Important Dates
- Abstract submission: 23:59 (Hawaii Time), August 1, 2017 - Full paper submission: 23:59 (Hawaii Time), August 8, 2017 - Notification of Acceptance: September 8, 2017 - Camera-ready Deadline: September 25, 2017 - Conference: November 10-12, 2017
2. Recommendation to SCI Journals
A number of best papers accepted at JIST 2017 will be invited to present at the Meet the Editor session of SCI indexed journals, including International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS), for fast-track publication in a special issue in these journals. Up to five papers will be selected and published. An indicative timeline is given below: - Manuscript revision proposal: mid November 2017 - Submission of revised manuscript: mid January 2018 - Notification of acceptance: mid March 2018 - Publication: second half 2018
3. Call for Papers
Call for Research Track Papers
JIST 2017 research track solicits submissions of original research work on semantic technologies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Ontology and reasoning - Knowledge Graph - Linked Data - Big Data and semantics, exchange and integration - Data streams and the Internet of Things - Machine learning and information extraction on the Semantic Web - Semantic Web services and processes - Trust, privacy, and security on the Semantic Web - Social Semantic Web - Natural language processing and semantics - Semantic multimedia - Novel applications of semantic technologies
Call for In-Use Track Papers
Quality shared resources such as public ontologies, datasets and software are highly valuable to the research community, hence, JIST 2017 in-use track also calls for submissions of public, shared resources of interest to the Semantic Web community.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Description of an implemented application - Description of concrete problems - Analysis and evaluation of semantic tools - Lessons learned and best practices - Linked Data, open data and vocabularies in production use - Semantic resources - Semantic technology in new application domains
Call for Special Track Papers
The philosophy behind Special Tracks is to facilitate the proactive participation of researchers from certain fields or communities who have linked the semantic technology with their research fields.
Special Tracks accept 8-page short papers that will be reviewed in the same way as the Research Track papers and will be included in the Proceedings if accepted.
In JIST2017, we have a special track on Semantic Processing for Knowledge Graphs
Semantic technologies such as Linked Data promote publication of various data and knowledge on the web with semantic links among them. They form huge sized knowledge bases called Knowledge Graphs in a large variety of domains. An important technical feature of Knowledge Graphs is their rich semantics. This special track focuses on semantics of Knowledge Graphs, especially on how to use their semantics towards practical applications.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to: - Semantic processing and reasoning for Knowledge Graph - Application using semantics of Knowledge Graph - Modelling of semantics for Knowledge Graph - Development of Knowledge Graph (Ontology, Linked Data)
Call for Poster & Demo Papers and Workshop Proposals
JIST 2017 cordially invites you to submit Poster and Demo papers as well as workshop proposals. For details please check our website:
4. Submission
Submissions to JIST 2017 should describe original, significant research on semantic technologies. JIST 2017 will not accept submissions that are under review for or have already been published in or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference. Submissions to JIST 2017 are expected to present their claimed contribution, with clear evidence to support their claims. All submissions will be critically reviewed by at least three members of the program committee. To assess submissions, reviewers will judge their relevance to semantic technologies, their originality, the technical soundness of their proposed approach and the readability of the submission.
JIST 2017 submissions are not anonymous.
Submissions must be in PDF format, using the style of the Springer Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Submissions must be no longer than *16* pages for the Research and In-Use Tracks, and no longer than *8* pages for the Special Tracks. Submissions that exceed these limits may be rejected without review. Submissions to the In-Use Track that are less than 16 pages can be considered.
Accepted papers will be published in an LNCS proceedings. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper there.
Papers can be submitted electronically via
Please select the corresponding tracks when you submit your paper(s).
5. Organization
General Chairs - Thepchai Supnithi, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand - Kewen Wang, Griffith University, Australia
Program Chairs
- Anni-Yasmin Turhan, University of Dresden, Germany
- Zhe Wang, Griffith University, Australia
Organized by: JIST Steering Committee