Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | KASA@ICSOC 2017 |
Title | KASA@ICSOC 2017 : Second International Workshop on Knowledge Aware Service Oriented Applications, KASA 2017, In conjunction with ICSOC 2017 |
Start date | 2017/11/13 |
End date | 2017/11/16 |
Homepage | http://www.info.univ-tours.fr/kasa2017/ |
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Service oriented computing is widely accepted for building interoperable, dynamic and adaptive systems. However, in spite of the tremendous advances and adoption, a considerable manual work is still required to align the implementation of service-based systems with business and end-users requirements.
Several efforts have been interested in bridging the gap between business and end-users level on one hand and the implementation and technical layer on the other hand. Initially driven by semantic Web technologies, the proposed and emergent approaches adopt new techniques such as formal concept analysis, information retrieval, social based recommendation, natural language processing, and statistical analysis and mining. Typically, these approaches abstract from/complement technical details and focus on services and BP from a semantic and knowledge perspective. The ultimate goal is managing service-oriented applications from a business and semantic level.
The efforts made by both Semantic Web and SOA research communities have led to the present SOA standards where ontologies and other formal frameworks can be considered in several ways to improve SOA frameworks efficiency. However, reaching the level of natively and fully semantic-aware SOA frameworks is still a challenging task.
Moreover, the recent advances in Internet of Thing (IoT), which is leading to a linked Web of resources, data, and services, a more global integration of Linked Open Data (LOD) principles in SOA frameworks should be thought for a high efficiency use and reuse of IoT data and resources.
The workshop aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners working in semantically enabled and knowledge aware service oriented systems in order to present, discuss and share original research works and practical experience.
Topics include but are not limited to:
Knowledge aware service oriented engineering Service and BP representation and description: formal specification, ontology based description Services and BP indexation, discovery and composition: reasoning, formal concept analysis, ontology based matchmaking information retrieval, recommendation and social-based techniques Service and BP variability management: configurable and reference models, feature oriented development Service and BP knowledge extraction: natural language processing, mining and crowd sourcing techniques Service and BP versioning and adaptation Service and BP mining Collections of services and BPs: organisation, visualisation and business intelligence Techniques for knowledge aware service oriented engineering: ontology based, statistical analysis and mining techniques, natural language processing, social and Human centric techniques, cloud computing Knowledge aware service oriented engineering applied to related domains: green IT, disaster management, e-health, e-government, smart home/cities, sensor-based applications Knowledge aware service oriented engineering in practice •Ontologies and vocabularies for domain-specific services and BP Surveys and empirical studies Industrial and real use-cases Semantic web Semantic web technologies for SOA IoT applications development LOD principles for IoT services composition and linking
The workshop is soliciting both academic and industrial research contributions, which have not been published elsewhere. Two types of papers are accepted for submission:
Regular papers: should have a length of 14 pages and present mature work. Short and position papers: should have a length of 6 pages and present work in progress having an original idea behind.
Submitted papers must be written in English and formatted according to Springer LNCS format (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0). Papers must be in PDF format and should be submitted electronically via the ConfTool submission system following the url below.
Authors must use this link and then, during the submission procedure, select the Workshop on Knowledge Aware Service Oriented Applications.
Each paper will be reviewed by 3 distinct reviewers following the double-blinded peer-review process.
At least one author of each accepted paper should register for the workshop program and attend to present the paper. This is a prerequisite for the publication of the paper in the workshop proceedings.
Important Dates
Workshop Papers Submission Deadline: August 14, 2017 Authors Notification Deadline: September 14, 2017 Early Registration Deadline: September 24, 2017 Camera Ready Paper & Copyright: October 1, 2017 Workshops: November 13, 2017
Workshop Chairs:
Sami Bhiri University of Monastir, Tunisia Walid Gaaloul CNRS Samovar Lab, Telecom SudParis, France Nizar Messai University Computer Science Lab, University of Tours, France Yacine Sam Computer Science Lab, University of Tours, France
Program committee (to be updated)
Nour Assy, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherlands Salima Benbernou, Paris Descartes University, France Boualem Benatallah, University of New South Wales, Australia Omar Boucelma, Aix-Marseille University, France Jorge Cardoso, University of Coimbra, Portugal Christine Collet, Grenoble Informatics laboratory (LIG), France Edward Curry, DERI, University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland Wassim Derguech, DERI, University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland Khaled Gaaloul, Public Research Centre Henri Tudor, Luxembourg Feng Gao, DERI, University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland Claude Godart, LORIA, Nancy, France Mohamed Graiet, ISIMA, University of Monastir, Tunisia Imen Grida Ben Yahia, Orange, France Mohand-Said Hacid, University of Lyon, France Marianne Huchard, LIRMM, CNRS, University Montpellier 2, France Kais Klai, University Paris 13, France Mourad Kmimech, ISIMA, University of Monastir, Tunisia Massimo Mecella, SAPIENZA, University of Rome, Italy Amedeo Napoli, LORIA, Nancy, France George A. Papadopoulos University of Cyprus Olivier Perrin, LORIA, Nancy, France Pierluigi Plebani, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Mohamed Quafafou, Aix-Marseille University, France Seung Hwan Ryu, University of New South Wales, Australia Brahmananda Sapkota, University of Twente, Netherlands Mohamed Sellami, RDI Group, LISITE LAB, ISEP Paris, France Sana Sellami, Aix-Marseille University, France Samir Tata, Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis, France Yehia Taher, David Lab., Versailles University, France Tomas Vitvar, Czech Technical University, Czech Republic Zhangbing Zhou, CUG Beijing, China