MathSJ 2017 : Applied Mathematics and Sciences: An International Journal
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | MathSJ 2017 |
Title | MathSJ 2017 : Applied Mathematics and Sciences: An International Journal |
Start date | Invalid date"Invalid date" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation. |
End date | 2017/07/08 |
Homepage |©ownerid=46167 |
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Applied Mathematics and Sciences: An International Journal (MathSJ ) Scope & Topics Applied Mathematics and Sciences: An International Journal (MathSJ ) aims to publish original research papers and survey articles on all areas of pure mathematics, theoretical applied mathematics, mathematical physics, theoretical mechanics, probability and mathematical statistics, and theoretical biology. All articles are fully refereed and are judged by their contribution to advancing the state of the science of mathematics. Topics of Interest Abstract Algebra and ApplicationsAdaptive controlAgriculture, environment, health applicationsAlgorithmsApplications of modelling in science and engineeringArtificial Neural Networks (ANN)Computational ComplexityComputer modellingControl theoryDifferential GeometryDigital controlDiscrete MathematicsEmbedded systemsEvolutionary algorithmsFault detection and isolationFeedback controlFunctional AnalysisFuzzy logic and applicationsFuzzy set theoryGenetic AlgorithmsGenetic algorithms and evolutionary computingGraph Theory and ApplicationsHybrid systemsIndustry, military, space applicationsLinear and nonlinear control systemsLinear and Nonlinear ProgrammingMarkov Chains and ApplicationsMathematical modellingModel predictive controlNetworked control systemsNeural networks and fuzzy logicNeuro-Fuzzy ControlNumerical AnalysisNumerical analysis and scientific computingOperations ResearchOptimal ControlOptimization and optimal controlOptimization TheoryOrdinary and Partial Differential EquationsProcess control and instrumentationReal and Complex AnalysisReal-time issuesRobust controlScientific computingSet TheorySliding mode controlSoft computing and controlStatisticsStochastic control and filteringStochastic ModellingSystem identification and controlSystems and automationTopology and Analysis Paper Submission Authors are invited to submit papers for this journal through E-mail: . Submissions must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this Journal. Important Dates : Submission Deadline:July 08,2017Authors Notification:August 08,2017Final Manuscript Due: August 20,2017 Related Journal :Advanced Energy: An International Journal (AEIJ)