Help:Event series

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Help for Event Series

Event seriesEvent seriesEvent seriesA series of scientific events


A list of scientific events.

Example Events Series


All the properties being used by Event Series
DIDA distributed identifier (DID) is a property of the datatype URL.

In the context of the ConfIDent and ConDIDi projects this property is being used to store the DID of an event or an event series. ConDIDi provides a DID for an event or event series, with which the participation of a person or organization in that event or event series can be verified (signed on the blockchain).

This property is not needed for the DOI registration process via DataCite and it's use is optional.

For a general definition of a DID see:
DOI landing pageThe DOI landing page property of the datatype URL is used to denote the website to which a DOI resolves to. In Open Research this property is needed for the registration of academic event or event series DOIs via DataCite. It is thus recommended to use this property, epsecially when it is anticipated to use the DOI minting service of Open Research for a particular academic event or event series.Types/URLDOI landing pageDOI landing pagefalsefalse
DblpIdTypes/TextDblpIddblp idfalsefalse
GND-IDThis property of the datatype External identifier is used to provide the identifier with which an entity is indexed in the Integrated_Authority_File (GND). Its external formatter URI is$1.Types/External IdentifierGND-IDgnd idfalsefalse
Has coordinatorUsed to specify the main organizer(s) of events and event seriesTypes/PageHas coordinatorHas coordinatorfalsefalse
Has subjectUsed to denote the acadamic field of an academic event or event series.Types/PageHas subjectSubjectfalsefalse
HomepageUsed to provide the official website of an academic event or an event series.Types/URLHomepageHomepagefalsefalse
Metadata authorUsed to specify the author of a certain metadatum in Open Research.Types/TextMetadata authormetadata authorfalsefalse
Metadata sourceUsed to specify the exact date when a certain metadata datum was added from a specific source.Types/TextMetadata sourcemetadata sourcefalsefalse
Metadata timestampUsed to specify the exact time when a certain metadata datum was added from a specific source.Types/DateMetadata timestampmetadata timestampfalsefalse
SponsorUsed to specify the organization or person that sponsors or funds an academic event or event series.Types/PageSponsorSponsorfalsefalse
TitleThis property is of the datatype Text and it is being used to specify the full title of events, event series, journals, papers, organizations or projects.

This property aligns with dc:title.

It is a mandatory property when describing an academic event or event series and it is needed for the DOI registration process via DataCite.
Types/TextTitleOfficial Nametruefalse
WikiCFP IDUsed to provide the identifier with which an entity is indexed in WikiCFP.Types/External IdentifierWikiCFP IDwikicfp idfalsefalse
WikiCFP-IDThis property of the datatype External identifier is used to provide the identifier with which an entity is indexed in WikiCFP. Its external formatter URI is$1.

In Open Research it is used to identify an academic event or event series within WikiCFP.

The use of this property is optional. It is not necessary for the DOI registration process via DataCite.
External identifierwikicfpIdwikiCFP IDfalse
WikidataidUsed to provide the identifier with which an entity is indexed in Wikidata.Types/External IdentifierWikidataidwikidata idfalsefalse


see also

topic links: