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Property | |
name | Homepage |
label | Homepage |
type | Special:Types/URL |
index | 3 |
sortPos | 3 |
primary key | No |
mandatory | No |
namespace | |
size | |
uploadable | No |
default | |
inputType | text |
allowedValues | |
documentation | Used to provide the official website of an academic event or an event series. |
values from | |
showInGrid | No |
isLink | No |
allow nulls? | No |
topic | |
placeholder | e.g. |
This property is of the datatype URL and it is being used to provide the official website of an academic event or an event series.
It is a recommended property when describing an academic event or event series and it is not needed for the DOI registration process via DataCite.
The property is aligned with foaf:homepage (foaf | Friend Of A Friend).
Wikidata property id: P856
RQ-Wiki property: EventWebsite & SeriesWebsite
PTP property: homepage
WikiCFP property: link