Task 0
Working Openresearch Copy as productive system for a closed user group (curators)
- https://wiki.tib.eu/confluence/display/openresearch/2021-02-15+Besprechungsnotizen
- Cleaned up Version of OR! see ticket (which needs to move to ticket system above ...)
- Better Forms/Templates for entering events!
- Julian Franken further prepare Wireframes for forms (See: https://github.com/SmartDataAnalytics/OpenResearch/issues/24)
- (Advanced) Search function?
- https://wikiapiary.com/wiki/Extension:Extensions
- Prepare to use Y-Principle
- Push all of openresearch to copy: https://www.openresearch.org/wiki/Development_guidelines
- Onboarding with mediawiki things
- Create mapping rules for integration in prose documentation.
Goals for the appointment
Having a "cleaned" up Semantic media wiki will be the basis for our future developments.
The cleaned up SMW will at first be a copy of OpenResearch which only includes a selection of its current contents. See development guidelines - copy of OpenResearch for more details. Content that must be included is:
Every page that is of Concept:Event Every page that is of Concept:Event series Only the for those concepts relevant properties. Relevance is determined by: Frequency of usage (Everything roughly above 100 times used) Needed for use case DOI registration Importance for high priority use cases and requirements like for example event search and has subject Enabling capture of the metadata provenance Being a Meta-property All users that have at least a single contribution
Additionally we have to make sure that "that templates, forms and property lists are aligned. Labels should correspond to property names"
Property mappings
CONFIDENT-242 - Provide AEON terms needed to map the PTP output to the Vanilla SMW In Arbeit https://rq.bitplan.com/index.php/PTP_Minimum_viable_dataset https://rq.bitplan.com/index.php/Wikidata#Graph https://rq.bitplan.com/index.php/Data_Donations https://rq.bitplan.com/index.php/List_of_Schema_Elements https://github.com/tibonto/aeon ...
Better Form requirement: