Task 1
Revision as of 12:08, 10 February 2021 by Musaab Khan (talk | contribs)
Task 1
- https://github.com/ceurws/lod/issues/22
- CEUR-WS metadata graph/tree procurement
- Create a Wiki page per volume
- 50 sample pages
- Make sure 3 results dplt import: wf, Lambda action generation : Tim, CEUR-VS Procurement of information: Musaab
- Sample page: https://confident.dbis.rwth-aachen.de/ceur-ws/index.php?title=Vol-2801
- Create SQL lite database with information on Volumes
- Basic infrastructure of the project via GitHub
- Unittest module with code for table creation(Volume) with 3 columns.
- Use PYLOD storage : https://pypi.org/project/pylodstorage/
tar cvfz $HOME/ceur-wsVol27xx.tgz Vol27*