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/home/musaab/wikibackup/ormk/ICIM 2021
2021 the IEEE 7th International Conference on Information Management
Ordinal 7
Dates 2021/03/27 (iCal) - 2021/03/29
Homepage: http://www.icim.org
Location: London, England, UK
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Important dates
Submissions: 2021/02/05
Table of Contents


Dear Scholars and Researchers, Warmest Greetings from ICIM 2020! This is the 7th International Conference on Information Management (ICIM2021). We are very pleased to tell you that ICIM 2021 will be held at Imperial College London, UK from 27th to 29th of March, 2021. This conference offers good opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas, and to establish research and/or business links, as well as to build global partnership for potential collaboration. We sincerely hope that the conference will help advance knowledge in relevant scientific and academic fields.

Publication: Accepted and registered papers will be published in IEEE (ICIM 2021 Conference Proceedings). Conference content will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore, Ei Compendex and Scopus.

ICIM History: ICIM2020 - ISBN: 978-1-7281-5769-6 | IEEE Xplore (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/9078708/proceeding) 2019.04.28| Ei Compendex and Scopus to be noticed ICIM2019 - ISBN: 978-1-7281-3429-1 | IEEE Xplore 2019.05.17 ICIM2018 - ISBN: 978-1-5386-6146-8 | IEEE Xplore 2018.06.26 | Ei Compendex and Scopus 2018.09.05 ICIM2017 - ISBN: 978-1-5090-6304-8 | IEEE Xplore 2017.6.20 | Ei Compendex and Scopus 2017.8.23 ICIM2016 - ISBN: 978-1-5090-1470-5 | IEEE Xplore 2016.5.31 | Ei Compendex and Scopus 2016.7.28

Tracking Previous ICIMs: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/conhome/1813264/all-proceedings

Submission: To publish the full paper into conference proceedings and give the oral presentation, please send us the full paper. To give presentation only, please just send us the abstract. Submission system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icim2021

Keynote & Plenary Speakers: Prof. Adrian Hopgood, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom; Prof. Shuliang Li, University of Westminster, United Kingdom; Prof. Joanne Roberts, University of Southampton, United Kingdom; Prof. Michael Pace, Texas A&M University, USA; Senior Lecturer Dr. Yu-Wang Chen, University of Manchester, United Kingdom

CALL For TPC ICIM2021 respectfully asks scholars and experts in Information Management & Systems, Information Technology, E-Business Engineering and Marketing Intelligence & Digital Marketing related fields to consider being a member of the Technical Program Committee. If you are interested or if you have someone to recommend, please send your/their CV/s to icim2017@vip.163.com. All received CVs will be carefully reviewed and discussed. TPC member's name, affiliation and nationality will be shown on the webpage and in the proceedings for ICIM2021 as well. Welcome to join us.

Conference Venue: Imperial College London, UK Address: South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK Website: https://www.imperial.ac.uk/

Conference Schedule: March 27, 2021---Registration and Collecting Conference Materials March 28, 2021---Keynote Speeches and Oral Presentations March 29, 2021---Technical Visit/One day tour

Contact us Ms. Carmen Wong Conference Secretary of ICIM Email: icim2017@vip.163.com Tel: +86-15928616367 (Office time 9:30 - 18:00, GMT+8, Monday to Friday )

Conference Topics (http://www.icim.org/cfp.html) Topics of particular interest for submissions include, but are not limited to the following areas: Session 1: Information Management & Systems

Business strategies and information systems
Management information systems
Information systems planning and management
Adoption of information technology in organizations
Human factors in information systems
Knowledge-based systems or expert systems
Hybrid intelligent systems
System analysis and design methods
Internet Technology
Auditing and IT Governance
Quantum information
Quantum strategies
Computational intelligence
Quantum games and quantum models for business, management & engineering
Big data
Web analytics
Digital analytics
Business intelligence
Competitive intelligence