CLEF 2017

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CLEF 2017
8th Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum
Event in series CLEF
Dates 2017/09/11 (iCal) - 2017/09/14
Location: Dublin, Ireland
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Important dates
Submissions: 2017/05/05
General chairs: Gareth J. F. Jones, Séamus Lawless
PC chairs: Julio Gonzalo, Liadh Kelly
Workshop chairs: Linda Cappellato, Nicola Ferro
Keynote speaker: Leif Azzopardi, Vincent Wade
Table of Contents

CLEF 2017: Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum Information Access Evaluation meets Multilinguality, Multimodality and Interaction

CLEF 2017 is the eighth CLEF conference continuing the popular CLEF campaigns which have run since 2000 contributing to the systematic evaluation of information access systems, primarily through experimentation on shared tasks. Building on the format first introduced in 2010, CLEF 2017 consists of an independent peer-reviewed conference on a broad range of issues in the fields of multilingual and multimodal information access evaluation, and a set of labs and workshops designed to test different aspects of mono and cross-language Information retrieval systems. Together, the conference and the lab series will maintain and expand upon the CLEF tradition of community-based evaluation and discussion on evaluation issues.

CLEF 2017 will be hosted by the ADAPT Centre and take place at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland from 11-14 September 2017.

Important Dates

Call for Papers

  • Extended Submission Deadlines: 5th May 2017 (long papers),
  • 12th May 2017 (short papers)

Accepted Papers

Long Papers:

  • Ahmad Khwileh, Gareth Jones and Andy Way: Using Query Performance Prediction to Improve Reliability of Query Expansion for Retrieval of User-Generated Spoken Content
  • Serge Molina, Josiane Mothe, Dorian Roques and Ludovic Tanguy: IRIT-QFR: IRIT Query Feature Resource
  • Sven Koitka and Christoph M. Friedrich: Optimized Convolutional Neural Network Ensembles for Medical Subfigure Classification
  • Vladislav Blinov, Kirill Mishchenko, Valeriya Bolotova and Pavel Braslavski: A Pinch of Humor for Short-Text Conversation: an Information Retrieval Approach
  • Florian Dietz and Vivien Petras: A Component-level Analysis of an Academic Search Test Collection. Part I: System and Collection Configurations
  • Florian Dietz and Vivien Petras: A Component-level Analysis of an Academic Search Test Collection. Part II: Query Analysis
  • Moritz Schubotz, Leonard Krämer, Norman Meuschke, Felix Hamborg and Bela Gipp: Evaluating and Improving the Extraction of Mathematical Identifier Definitions

Short papers:

  • Nektaria Potha and Efstathios Stamatatos: An Improved Impostors Method for Authorship Verification
  • Philipp Schaer and Mandy Neumann: Enriching Existing Test Collections with OXPath
  • Mirko Lai, Marcella Tambuscio, Viviana Patti, Giancarlo Ruffo and Paolo Rosso: Extracting Graph Topological Information and Users' Opinion
  • Raul Moreno, Weipeng Huang, Arjumand Younus, Michael O'Mahony and Neil J. Hurley: Evaluation of Hierarchical Clustering via Markov Decision Processes for Efficient Navigation and Search
  • Magdalena Parks, Jussi Karlgren and Sara Stymne: Plausibility Testing for Lexical Resources
  • Miguel A. Sanchez-Perez, Ilia Markov, Helena Gómez-Adorno and Grigori Sidorov: Comparison of Character N-grams and Lexical Features on Author, Gender, and Language Variety Identification on the Same Spanish News Corpus
  • Khyathi Chandu, Manoj Chinnakotla, Alan Black and Manish Shrivastava: WebShodh: A Code Mixed Factoid Question Answering System for Web
  • Tatiana Litvinova, Pavel Seredin, Olga Litvinova and Ekaterina S. Ryzhkova: Estimating the similarities between texts of right-handed and left-handed males and females>
  • Liliya Akhtyamova, John Cardiff and Mikhail Alexandrov: Medication Safety Analysis in Twitter using Convolutional Neural Network
  • Piyush Arora, Jennifer Foster and Gareth Jones: Query Expansion for Sentence Retrieval using Pseudo Relevance Feedback and Word Embedding

Best of Lab track papers:

  • Jaschar Domann and Andreas Lommatzsch: A Highly Available Real-time News Recommender based on Apache Spark
  • Mirco Kocher and Jacques Savoy: Author Clustering with an Adaptive Threshold
  • Pengyuan Li, Xiangying Jiang, Chandra Kambhamettu and Hagit Shatkay: Segmenting Compound Biomedical Figures into Their Constituent Panels
  • Maria Medvedeva, Hessel Haagsma and Malvina Nissim: An Analysis of Cross-Genre and In-Genre Performance for Author Profiling in Social Media
  • Georgi Karadjov, Tsvetomila Mihaylova, Yasen Kiprov, Georgi Georgiev, Ivan Koychev and Preslav Nakov: The Case for Being Average: A Mediocrity Approach to Style Masking and Author Obfuscation
  • Philippe Mulhem, Lorraine Goeuriot, Nayanika Dogra and Nawal Ould Amer: TimeLine Illustration based on Microblogs: When diversification meets metadata re-ranking


Conference Chairs

  • Gareth J. F. Jones, Dublin City University, Ireland
  • Séamus Lawless, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Program Chairs

  • Julio Gonzalo, UNED, Spain
  • Liadh Kelly, Dublin City University, Ireland

Lab Chairs

  • Lorraine Goeuriot, Université Grenoble Alpes, France
  • Thomas Mandl, University of Hildesheim, Germany

Proceedings Chairs

  • Linda Cappellato, University of Padua, Italy
  • Nicola Ferro, University of Padua, Italy