CSL 2010

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CSL 2010
24th International Workshop on Computer Science Logic
Ordinal 24
Event in series CSL
Dates 2010/08/23 (iCal) - 2010/08/27
Presence presence
Homepage: http://mfcsl2010.fi.muni.cz/csl/
Location: Brno, Czech Republic
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Papers: Submitted 103 / Accepted 33 (32 %)
General chairs: Jan Bouda
PC chairs: Anuj Dawar, Helmut Veith
Keynote speaker: David Basin, Herbert Edelsbrunner, Erich Grädel, Bojan Mohar, Joseph Sifakis
Table of Contents


The 24th International Workshop on Computer Science Logic (CSL) 2010


  • Program Extraction and Constructive Proofs / Classical Logic and Computation
  • Randomized and Quantum Computation,
  • Workshop on Fixed Points in Computer Science
  • Young Researchers Forum
  • Theory and Algorithmic Aspects of Graph Crossing Number
  • International Workshop on Reachability Problems
  • Games and Probabilistic Models in Formal Verification
  • Mathematical Foundations of Fuzzy Logics
  • Logic, Combinatorics and Computation
  • Parametrized Complexity of Computational Reasoning