EDM 2019

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EDM 2019
12th International Conference on Educational Data Mining
Event in series EDM
Dates 2019/07/02 (iCal) - 2019/07/05
Homepage: http://educationaldatamining.org/edm2019/
Twitter account: @EDM2019MTL
Submitting link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=edm2019
Location: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
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Important dates
Papers: 2019/03/04
Submissions: 2019/03/04
Notification: 2019/04/11
Camera ready due: 2019/05/01
Papers: Submitted 185 / Accepted 64 (34.6 %)
General chairs: Michel Desmarais, Roger Nkambou
PC chairs: Collin Lynch, Agathe Merceron
Workshop chairs: Luc Paquette, Cristobol Romero
PC members: Akram Bita, Giora Alexandron, Anne Boyer, Mirjam AugsteinProperty "Has PC member" (as page type) with input value "Mirjam Augstein" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process., Costin BadicaProperty "Has PC member" (as page type) with input value "Costin Badica" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Keynote speaker: Mike Mozer, Steve Ritter, Julita Vassileva
Table of Contents
Tweets by @EDM2019MTL


Topics of interest to the conference include but are not limited to.

  • Modeling student and group interaction for guidance and collaborative problem-solving.
  • Deriving representations of domain knowledge from data.
  • Modeling real-world problem-solving in open-ended domains.
  • Detecting and addressing students’ affective and emotional states.
  • Informing data mining research with educational theory.
  • Developing new techniques for mining educational data.
  • Data mining to understand how learners interact in formal and informal educational contexts.
  • Modeling students’ affective states and engagement with multimodal data.
  • Synthesizing rich data to inform students and educators.
  • Bridging data mining and learning sciences.
  • Applying social network analysis to support student interactions.
  • Legal and social policies to govern EDM.
  • Developing generic frameworks, techniques, research methods, and approaches for EDM.
  • Closing the loop between EDM research and educational outcomes to yield actionable advice.
  • Automatically assessing student knowledge.