HyLo 2009

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HyLo 2009
International Workshop on Hybrid Logic. Conmemorating the Ten Years of HyLo
Dates Jul 15, 2009 (iCal) - Jul 17, 2009
Homepage: hylo.loria.fr/content/Hylo09
Location: Nancy, France
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Important dates
Submissions: Mar 1, 2009
Camera ready due: May 1, 2009
Table of Contents

                     CALL FOR PAPERS
    International Workshop on Hybrid Logic 2009 (HyLo 2009)
             "Conmemorating the Ten Years of HyLo"
                      15 - 17 July, 2009
                        Nancy, France


Hybrid logic is a branch of modal logic allowing direct reference
to worlds/times/states. It is easy to justify interest in hybrid
logic on the grounds of applications, as the additional expressive
power is very useful.  In addition, hybrid-logical machinery
improves the behaviour of the underlying modal formalism.  For
example, it becomes considerably simpler to formulate modal proof
systems, and one can prove completeness and interpolation results
of a generality that is not available in orthodox modal logic.
But more generally, the topic of HyLo 2009 is not only standard
hybrid-logical machinery (like nominals, satisfaction operators,
binders, etc) but also extensions of modal logic that increase
its expressive power in one way or other.

HyLo 2009 will be an special event, conmemorating the ten years
since the organization of the first HyLo workshop in 1999.

HyLo 2009 will be relevant to a wide range of people, including
those interested in description logic, feature logic, applied
modal logics, temporal logic, and labelled deduction. The workshop
continues a series of previous workshops on hybrid logic. The
workshop aims to provide a forum for advanced PhD students and
researchers to present and discuss their work with colleagues and

For more general background on hybrid logic, and many of the key
papers, see the Hybrid Logics homepage (http://hylo.loria.fr/).


We invite the contribution of papers reporting new work from
researchers interested in hybrid logic. Details about the submission
procedure will be announced in the second call for papers. The accepted
papers will appear in the workshop proceedings, and selected papers
will be included in a special volume to conmemorate the 10th aniversary
of the first Hybrid Logic Workshop.

Please use the HyLo09 submission page at 


handled by the EasyChair conference system, to submit papers. Papers 
should not exceed 15 pages including references. Authors are required 
to prepare their submissions in latex, using the conference's style 
(available at http://hylo.loria.fr/content/Hylo09). 

Notice that one author for each accepted paper must attend the workshop 
in order to present the paper.


  * Melvin Fitting (CUNY)
  * Ian Hodkinson (Imperial College)
  * Carsten Lutz (University of Bremen)
  * Thomas Schneider (University of Manchester)


Carlos Areces (INRIA Nancy Grand Est, areces at loria.fr)
Patrick Blackburn (INRIA Nancy Grand Est, blackbur at loria.fr)


Carlos Areces (INRIA Nancy Grand Est, co-chair)
Patrick Blackburn (INRIA Nancy Grand Est, co-chair)
Thomas Bolander (Technical University of Denmark)
Torben Brauner (Roskilde University)
Stephane Demri (LSV Cachan)
Santiago Figueira (University of Buenos Aires)
Valentin Goranko (University of the Witwatersrand)
Ian Hodkinson (Imperial College London)
Ulrike Sattler (University of Manchester)
Thomas Schneider (University of Manchester)
Balder ten Cate (University of Amsterdam)


Deadline for submissions: Sunday, 1st March 2009
Notification of acceptance: Monday, 30th of March 2009
Deadline for final versions: Friday, 1st of May 2009
Workshop dates: 15 to 17 July, 2009

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP