ICSR 2018

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ICSR 2018
17th International Conference on Software Reuse
Dates 2018/05/21 (iCal) - 2018/05/23
Submitting link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsr2018
Location: Madrid, Spain
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Important dates
Papers: 2017/12/12
Submissions: 2017/12/12
Notification: 2018/02/01
Camera ready due: 2018/02/26
Papers: Submitted 29 / Accepted 11 (37.9 %)
General chairs: Rafael Capilla
PC chairs: Barbara Gallina, Carlos Cetina
PC members: Eduardo Almeida, Mathieu Acher, Paris Avgeriou, Martin Becker, Ibrahim Bagheri
Keynote speaker: John Favaro, Alberto Abella
Table of Contents