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IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium
Ordinal 30
Event in series IGARSS
Dates 2010/07/25 (iCal) - 2010/07/30
Homepage: https://www.igarss2010.org/
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
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Important dates
Tutorials: 2009/11/30
Abstracts: 2009/12/11
Submissions: 2009/12/11
Notification: 2010/02/28
Organizers: Michael Winter
General chairs: Karen St. Germain, Paul Smits
PC chairs: Paolo Gamba, David Kunkee
Table of Contents


The IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2010


  • Land
  • Oceans
  • Atmosphere
  • Cryosphere
  • Applications
  • Analysis Techniques
  • Education and Policy
  • Sensors and Platforms
  • Electromagnetics and Radiative Transfer


  • Log in to www.igarss2010.org to submit abstracts (only online submissions will be accepted for review).
  • Instructions on selecting topics for submissions will be included on the website.
  • Abstract deadline is December 11, 2009 for both contributed and invited submissions.
  • All abstracts must be written in English.
  • The minimum page limit for all abstracts is two single sided pages. The maximum page limit is 4 pages. Use Times New Roman font, 11 or 12 point, 1.5 line spacing. Please note this is a change from previous years.
  • Abstracts should state clearly and concisely the problem, methodology used and central conclusions, and may include figures and graphs.
  • Abstracts must include a bibliography to help reviewers place the contributions of the work into context. Please note this is a change in policy from previous years.
  • A maximum of two abstracts may be submitted by each presenting author, including both general and invited sessions. Please note this is a change in policy from previous years.
  • Every author is responsible for checking the status of their abstract by visiting the symposium website, www.igarss2010.org after March 26, 2010. Acceptance letters will be sent via email only, and the results posted on the website.
  • Authors of accepted papers will have an opportunity to revise their abstracts for inclusion on the electronic media until May 7, 2010.
  • The electronic system will enable full proceedings papers to be accepted until July 2, 2010.

Important Dates

Invited Session Proposal Deadline: September 14, 2009
Invited Session Notification: November 9, 2009
Abstract Submission System On-line: November 13, 2009
Tutorial Proposal Deadline: November 30, 2009
Abstract Submission Deadline: December 11, 2009
Student Paper Competition Deadline: December 11, 2009
Travel Support Application Deadline: January 22, 2010
Tutorial Notification: February 28, 2010
Abstract Status Available On-line: March 26, 2010
Registration Opens: March 26, 2010
Deadline for Revisions to Accepted Abstracts: May 7, 2010
Publishing Author Registration Deadline: May 7, 2010
Early Registration Deadline: June 4, 2010
Hotel Reservation Deadline: July 2, 2010
Online Registration Deadline: July 2, 2010
Full Paper Submission Deadline: July 2, 2010
IGARSS 2010 Conference: July 25-30, 2010