ISWC 2009

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ISWC 2009
8th International Semantic Web Conference
Event in series ISWC
Subevent of ISWC
Dates 2008/10/25 (iCal) - 2008/10/29
Location: Washington, DC, USA
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Important dates
Workshops: 2009/05/01
Tutorials: 2009/06/19
Abstracts: 2009/06/08
Papers: 2009/06/15
Posters: 2009/08/07
Demos: 2009/08/07
Submissions: 2008/06/21
Papers: Submitted 250 / Accepted 43 (17.2 %)
General chairs: Enrico Motta
PC chairs: Abraham Bernstein, David Karger
Table of Contents

ISWC is the major international forum where the latest research results and technical innovations on all aspects of the semantic web are presented.

As the semantic Web is rapidly entering the mainstream, ISWC 2009 will pay particular attention to showcasing scalable and usable solutions, which bring semantic technologies to web users in authentic application settings.

The International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) series is organized and managed by the Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA).


  • General Chair: Enrico Motta
  • Local Chairs: Mike Dean and Leo Obrst
  • Sponsorship Chairs: Pete Pflugrath and Fabio Ciravegna
  • Program Chairs: Abraham Bernstein and David Karger
  • Semantic Web in Use Chairs: Tom Heath and Lee Feigenbaum
  • Workshop Chairs: Jeff Heflin and Philippe Cudré-Mauroux
  • Tutorial Chairs: Marta Sabou and Jennifer Golbeck
  • Industry Track Chairs: Matt Fisher and John Callahan
  • Poster and Demonstration Chairs: Harith Alani and Tania Tudorache
  • Doctoral Consortium Chair: Diana Maynard
  • Publicity Chair: Todd Schneider
  • Metadata Chair: Knud Möller
  • Fellowship Chair: Joel Sachs