Library Tech. Newsletter 2009

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Library Tech. Newsletter 2009
Library Technology Newsletter
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Table of Contents


As co-editor for ‘Library Hi Tech News’ (LHTN), I am looking for articles on hot-topics such as the ones suggested below or any innovative use of technology for library applications and services.  We are also looking for reports of library and non-library technology conferences.  LHTN is a non-refereed publication which comes out ten times a year, so articles submitted can be published fairly quickly.  In some cases your report on an innovative use of technology can later be submitted as a research paper in one of Emerald’s peer-reviewed journals such as ‘Reference Services Review’, ‘Library Hi Tech’ and others.  So, you might think of your article as being a “poster sessions in print” and a way to get your information/ideas out to a wide international readership.  

Some Article Ideas of Interest:

Google Chrome and Internet Explorer 8.0: Review and Implications for Libraries 
Beyond Meebo Chat:  Free Available Programs for Virtual Reference 
Library Uses of Skype 
Blogging Software – Comparison Guide 
Libraries on the Move: Mobile Web Browsers for Smart Phones 
Libraries on the Move:  Library Mobile Applications 
Librarians on the Move: New Ultra Portable Mobile Computers (lightweights with 7” to 10” screens) 
WorldCat Local 
Library Toolbars 
Library Calendar Applications 
Google Books – New Developments and Implications for Libraries 
Ning – Create Your Own Social Networks 
MUVEs Beyond Second Life 
You Tube Videos Made Easy 
Open Source Content Management Packages – Comparison Guide 
Library as Publisher: E Journal Applications/Programs 
Collaboration Networks (e.g. 
Twitter Applications for Libraries 
Novel Uses of Social Tagging 
Web-Based Gaming and Simulation Software for Libraries 
Freely Available Survey Tools for Libraries 
Rethinking E-Reserves 
Digital Textbooks 
New Library Learning Spaces 
Preservation of Born Digital Information 
Virtual Conferencing 
Keeping Up With Technology 

More information on Library Hi Tech News can be found at:

Contact me with your ideas for an article or if you are interested in writing on one of the topic ideas listed below.   Also contact me if you would like to report on a particular conference (library or technology-focused) and, if needed, we can investigate getting you a press pass.  Thanks!   

Martin Kesselman, 
Co-Editor, Library Hi Tech News, 
Library of Science and Medicine, 
Rutgers, The State University of New York, 
165 Bevier Road, 
NJ 08854.  


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