MAOS 2009

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MAOS 2009
Maintenance of Aspect Oriented Systems
Table of Contents

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WORKSHOP THEME The Aspect Oriented (AO) paradigm has been proposed as a way to produce

better modularized software systems that should be easier to understand.

Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) allows to better modularize and manage

crosscutting concerns by means of program units called "aspects". While

there are several approaches to develop AO systems form scratch and to

reengineer 'traditional' systems (e.g. OO systems) towards AO, there are

still very few contributions on how to maintain AO systems. The

maintenance of an AO system may pose different problems with respect to

traditional programming languages. This is mainly due to the

relationships among aspects and traditional modules (e.g. classes)

introduced by the AOP constructs. Such constructs are able to produce

heavy and intrusive effects on the code they refer to, thus it could be

very difficult to evaluate the impact of a change on the whole system.

The maintenance of AO systems will be one of next challenges in software

engineering. Software maintainers should be supported by adequate

methods, techniques and tools to successfully face with and overcome the

novel challenges that AOP constructs pose on maintenance. New approaches,

or the adaptation of the existing ones, taking into account the specific

features of AOP have to be defined and adopted to effectively maintain an

AO system. Based on these issues, the workshop has the main aim of: - making the software maintenance community more aware of the (novel)

difficulties related to AO system maintenance; - presenting and discussing proposals about the problems raising in the

maintenance of AO systems, and how to effectively address them; - acting as a forum for the promotion of joint researches and

experimental studies about the maintenance of AO systems.

MAIN TOPICS The following (not exhaustive) list of issues would be addressed by the

workshop's papers and discussions: - AO code analysis - AO system models - AO code representation forms - AOP specific quality models and metrics - Maintainability of AO code - Aspect mining - Maintainability driven aspect refactoring - Experience report on maintenance of AO systems - Best practice in maintaining AO systems

SUBMISSION Interested researchers and practitioners are invited to submit short or

position papers (no more than 5 pages) presenting novel proposals or

experience reports addressing one of the workshop topics. Submitted papers will be reviewed by the organizers and by a selected

group of reviewers. A limited set of papers will be accepted to be shortly presented (not

more than 15 minutes) at the workshop. Workshop proceedings will be published as Technical Report of the

Fraunhofer IESE, with an ISSN. Authors are requested to submit a PDF version of their short/position

papers (IEEE proceeding format). Send your submissions by email to

Giuseppe A. Di Lucca at the address:

The submission deadline is February 15, 2009.

IMPORTANT DATES Submission deadline: February 15, 2009 Acceptance notification: February 24, 2009 Camera ready version: March 1, 2009

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Mario Luca Bernardi - Dept. of Engineering - RCOST University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy

Mariano Ceccato, Fondazione Bruno Kessler - IRST Trento, Italy

Giuseppe A. Di Lucca - Dept. of Engineering - RCOST University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy

CONTACTS For any question about MAOS 2009 send an e-mail to the Organizing

Committee: Mario Luca Bernardi, email:

Mariano Ceccato, Fondazione Bruno Kessler - IRST Trento, Italy email:

Giuseppe A. Di Lucca, email:

See the MAOS website at for further information.