Petri Nets

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Petri Nets
International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency
Avg. acceptance rate: 64.4
Avg. acceptance rate (last 5 years): 64.4
Table of Contents

International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency (Petri Nets) has an average acceptance rate of 64.4% (last 5 years 64.4%).


There are 3 events of the series Petri Nets known to this wiki: Petri Nets 2018, Petri Nets 2019, Petri Nets 2020

 OrdinalYearFromToCityCountrypresenceHomepageTibKatIdGNDdblpWikiCFPWikidataGeneral chairPC chairAcceptance rate
Petri Nets 20202020Jun 24Jun 25Video conferenceÉtienne André
Laure Petrucci
Petri Nets 20192019Jun 23Jun 28AachenGermany van der AalstSusanna Donatelli
Stefan Haar
Petri Nets 20182018Jun 24Jun 29BratislavaSlovakia Khomenko
Olivier H. Roux




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History of the Conference The aim of the conference is to create a forum for discussing progress in the application and theory of Petri Nets. Typically, the conferences have 100–150 participants – some of them coming from industry, the rest from universities and research institutions. 1. 1980 Strasbourg, France 14. 1993 Chicago, USA 27. 2006 Turku, Finland 2. 1981 Bad Honnef, Germany 15. 1994 Zaragoza, Spain 28. 2007 Siedlce, Poland 3. 1982 Varenna, Italy 16. 1995 Torino, Italy 29. 2008 Xi’an, China 4. 1983 Toulouse, France 17. 1996 Osaka, Japan 30. 2009 Paris, France 5. 1984 Aarhus, Denmark 18. 1997 Toulouse, France 31. 2010 Braga, Portugal 6. 1985 Espoo, Finland 19. 1998 Lisbon, Portugal 32. 2011 Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 7. 1986 Oxford, UK 20. 1999 Williamsburg, USA 33. 2012 Hamburg, Germany 8. 1987 Zaragoza, Spain 21. 2000 Aarhus, Denmark 34. 2013 Milano, Italy 9. 1988 Venice, Italy 22. 2001 Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 35. 2014 Tunis, Tunisia 10. 1989 Bonn, Germany 23. 2002 Adelaide, Australia 36. 2015 Brussels, Belgium 11. 1990 Paris, France 24. 2003 Eindhoven, The Nederlands 37. 2016 Torun, Poland 12. 1991 Aarhus, Denmark 25. 2004 Bologna, Italy 38. 2017 Zaragoza, Spain 13. 1992 Sheffield, UK 26. 2005 Miami, USA 39. 2018 Bratislava, Slovakia 40. 2019 Aachen, Germany