Property:Has EvaluationMethod

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This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Average F1-values over the 21 OAEI reference alignments for manual weights vs. learned weights vs. formulation without stability constraints; thresholds range from 0.6 to 0.95.  +
Evaluate the system using a set of sample queries  +
report on the execution time of plans comprised of ANAPSID operators versus queries posed against SPARQL endpoints, and state-of-the-art RDF engines  +
Compare the mappings found by the system between the two ontologies with a reference matching or “gold standard,” which is a set of correct and complete mappings as built by domain experts.  +
A methodology that proved useful for optimizing link specifications is to manually create a small reference linkset and then optimize the Silk linking specification to produce these reference links, before Silk is run against the complete target data source.  +
Compare the results to state-of-the-art federated query processing engines.  +
No data available now.  +
Compare LIMES with different numbers of exemplars on knowledge bases of different sizes.  +
Use four ontologies from OAEI 2010 benchmark, calculating the classification time for these ontologies.  +