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Symposium on Geometry Processing
Categories: Computer graphics
CORE Rank (2018): B
Avg. acceptance rate: 0
Avg. acceptance rate (last 5 years): 0
Table of Contents

Symposium on Geometry Processing (SGP) has an average acceptance rate of 0% (last 5 years 0%).


There are 4 events of the series SGP known to this wiki: SGP 2017, SGP 2018, SGP 2019, SGP 2020

 OrdinalYearFromToCityCountrypresenceHomepageTibKatIdGNDdblpWikiCFPWikidataGeneral chairPC chair
SGP 20202020Jul 6Jul 8UtrechtThe Netherlandshttps://sgp2020.sites.uu.nlAmir Vaxman ·
Remco Veltkamp
Alec Jacobson
Qixing Huang
SGP 20192019Jul 8Jul 10MilanItaly
SGP 20182018Jul 9Jul 11ParisFrancehttps://sgp2018.sciencesconf.orgMaks Ovsjanikov
Pooran Memari
Tamy Boubekeur
Tao Ju
Amir Vaxman
SGP 20172017Jul 1Jul 5LondonUK Andreas Bærentzen
Klaus Hildebrandt



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