Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal2

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Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal2
Basic Information
Field: Ubiquitous Computing and Communication
Type: Non-profit Research Association
Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal2
Staff count: 250
Belongs to: Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Research Institute
Homepage: www.ubicc.org
Head: Dr. Emily Jonathan
City: NY, 3rd Street, 2nd Avenue, FV Lines, New York, NY
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Table of Contents

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UBICC, the Ubiquitous Computing and Communication Journal [ISSN 1992-8424], is an international scientific and educational organization dedicated to advancing the arts, sciences, and applications of information technology. With a world-wide membership, UBICC is a leading resource for computing professionals and students working in the various fields of Information Technology, and for interpreting the impact of information technology on society.

Aims (1) Map new frontiers in emerging technologies in research, industry and governance. (2) Link centres of excellence world-wide to stimulate and enhance creative and application-oriented problem solving for society. (3) Explore the synergy and collaboration within the sciences, management and policy creation and implementation. (4) Establish authoritative channels of communication between experts, policy-makers and practitioners in academia, industry and government

Scope The ubiquitous computing and communication Journal exists to provide a medium through which a wide range of experiences in the information and communication technology can be shared. The Journal aims to provide an environment in which ideas and research can be presented, discussed and criticized so that best practice can be assimilated into the new curricula of schools, colleges and universities.

Editorial board The editorial board of Ubiquitous computing and communication Journal consists of leading specialists of the field from the globe. We expect to establish friendly communications with the colleagues both at home and abroad so that we may enhance our mutual understanding and cooperation and jointly contribute to the development of computer science and technology.