VORTE 2008

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VORTE 2008
The Fourth International Workshop on Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for the Enterprise
Dates Sep 15, 2008 (iCal) - Sep 19, 2008
Homepage: oxygen.informatik.tu-cottbus.de/VORTE
Location: Munich, Germany
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Important dates
Submissions: Jun 13, 2008
Notification: Jul 18, 2008
Table of Contents

  The Fourth International Workshop on Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for
  the Enterprise (VORTE 2008)

  15--19th September 2008

  In conjunction with EDOC 2008, 15--19th September, 2008, Munich, Germany




Paper submission: 13 June, 2008
Author notifications: 18 July, 2008
Camera-ready versions: 28 July, 2008

To contact the organizing committee, please send an e-mail to


Vocabularies, ontologies, and business rules are key components of a model-
driven approach to enterprise computing in a networked economy. VORTE 2008 is
the fourth workshop associated with an EDOC conference that intends to bring
together researchers and practitioners in areas such as philosophical
ontology, enterprise modelling, information systems, Semantic Web, Model-
Driven Architecture (MDA), business rules, and business processes. The goal
of the workshop is to discuss the role that foundational and domain
ontologies play in the conceptual development and implementation of next
generation tools for enterprise computing.


The VORTE workshop covers all research topics relevant to description
formalisms for enterprise application architectures, services, content, and
regulations. Enterprise systems are very complex pieces of software, and
their development requires an advanced software engineering process. Model-
driven development (e.g., as represented in OMG?s model-driven architecture)
is believed to play an important role in this context. Therefore, this year
we would like to put special emphasis on the use of vocabularies, ontologies
and rules for the development of business processes. This implies, among
others, the following research questions: When and for what purpose can
semantic technologies be useful for software development? In what situations
is it useful to subscribe to the open-world assumption? Is it possible to use
ontologies for generating application code and in which situations can this
be useful?

Of course, we are also interested in other uses of vocabularies, ontologies
or rules in the context of enterprise systems. Fundamental research to be
covered by the workshop includes ontological evaluation of enterprise systems
and their interoperability, and ontological analysis of business process
modelling. Applied research includes enhancing business rule engines and
business process management systems by ontologies. In the area of modelling,
our topics include how process modelling and execution languages, such as the
Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) and the Business Process Execution
Language (BPEL), relate to business ontologies and rules. The workshop will
also cover ontology-based service description technologies for inter-
enterprise collaboration like extensions to UDDI or OWL-S.


We are interested in the following topics. Papers with a topic outside this
list, but fitting to the purpose of the workshop, will also be considered.

- Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) approaches to Enterprise Computing
  - Modelling and Architecture Frameworks
  - Domain Engineering
  - Domain-specific Business Information and System Engineering
  - Transformation between MDA layers
- Conceptual Modelling
  - Business Vocabularies, Terminologies, and Taxonomies
  - Ontological Approaches to Content and Knowledge Management
  - Enterprise Information Integration and Interoperability
  - Service Taxonomies and Service Registries
  - Ontological Foundations for Conceptual Modelling
  - Languages for Conceptual Modelling (for example, OWL and UML)
  - Agent-Oriented Conceptual Modelling
- Business Rules and Business Process Semantics
  - Business Rule Languages and Tools (e.g. SBVR-related work)
  - Rule-based Approaches to Web Service Policies and Choreographies
  - Ontologies for Business Process Management
  - Service-based Business Process Modelling and Execution
  - Semantic Web Services
  - Agent-based Business Process Modelling and Execution
  - Business Process Modelling and Execution Languages (for example, BPMN and
- Ontologies for Enterprise Computing
  - Foundational Ontologies and Enterprise Computing
  - Ontological Evaluation of Enterprise Systems
  - Ontologies for Interoperability of Enterprise Systems
  - Ontology-based Enterprise Architectures
  - Ontology-based Software Engineering for Enterprises
  - Enterprise Components? Modelling


All submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the
program committee. Submissions should be 6 to 8 pages long and MUST conform
to the IEEE Computer Society format and include the author?s name,
affiliation, and contact details. Papers must be submitted as PDF files using
EasyChair at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=vorte08

At least one author of each accepted paper must participate in the workshop.
The papers accepted for the EDOC 2008 Workshops will be published after the
workshop with its own ISBN in the IEEE Digital Library (pending approval by
IEEE), which is accessible by IEEE Xplore.


Uwe A?mann
Technical University Dresden, Germany
Gerd Wagner
Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus, Germany
Steffen Zschaler
Technical University Dresden, Germany


Giancarlo Guizzardi
Laboratory for Applied Ontology (LOA), ISTC-CNR, Trento, Italy

Gerd Wagner
Brandenburg University of Technology at Cottbus, Germany

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP