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Workshop on Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction for the Social Web
Subevent of 9th Brazilian Symposium of Human Factors on Computer Systems (IHC)
Dates 2010/10/05 (iCal) - 2010/10/08
Homepage: http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~waihcws/waihcws en.html
Location: Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
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Important dates
Submissions: 2010/07/30
Table of Contents

2nd Workshop on Aspects of the Human-Computer Interaction for the Social Web (WAIHCWS in its Portuguese acronym), which is part of the 9th Brazilian Symposium of Human Factors on Computer Systems (IHC’10). October 05th to 08th, 2010 - Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

WAIHCWS 2010: http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~waihcws/waihcws_en.html

IHC'10 http://www.ufmg.br/swib/?p=139&lang=en-us

The Social Web is part of the transformations that have redefined the way people use and are affected by technology. In recent years, we have seen the emergence of various technologies, such as social categorization (folksonomies), social networking, social navigation and search, collaborative publishing and sharing, among others. The success of these technologies heavily relies on their users and the information produced and organized by them, reflecting aspects related to the user experience and how the interface was designed. The second edition of WAIHCWS aims to promote further discussion on the opportunities and challenges that the Social Web brings to the research community in human-computer interaction and related areas, focusing on the concepts of sociability and human values.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

   * Theories and mechanisms for encouraging participation and collaboration among users;
   * Methods for designing and evaluating social software;
   * Measurements and characteristics for the success of social software;
   * Emotional and affective aspects of social software;
   * Communication, collaboration, sharing, security, social norms and other aspects of sociability;
   * Identity, privacy, trust, reputation and other human values in the social software;
   * Usability and accessibility in the social software;
   * Emergency and exploitation of social knowledge.


We invite works in all stages of development, describing practical approaches, empirical findings, proposals and research results that address aspects of the Social Web focusing on human-computer interaction. Positions and theoretically grounded discussions about the topics of interest are also welcome.

Papers should be preferably written in English (papers in Portuguese (BR) will also be accepted), they can be short (4-6 pages) or full papers (8-10 pages), in the ACM SIG-CHI format. Submissions must contain original contributions and include unpublished results. Selected articles will be published in the Workshop proceedings (more details soon). The submission system will be open soon.

Contact by e-mail: waihcws[at]ic.unicamp.br and waihcws[at]gmail.com


Submission deadline: July 30th, 2010

Notification to Authors: August 30th, 2010

Camera-ready deadline: September 10th, 2010


  • Sérgio Roberto P. da Silva - UEM, BR
  • Roberto Pereira - UNICAMP, BR
  • Vânia Paula de Almeida Neris - UNICAMP, BR


  • Amanda Meincke Melo - UNIPAMPA, BR
  • André Santanché - UNICAMP, BR
  • César Augusto Camilo Teixeira - UFSCar, BR
  • Cesar Augusto Tacla - UTFPR, BR
  • Cristiano Maciel - UFMT, BR
  • Daniel Lucrédio - UFSCar, BR
  • Flávio Soares Corrêa da Silva - IME-USP, BR
  • Heloisa Vieira da Rocha - UNICAMP, BR
  • Henry Lieberman - MediaLab-MIT, US
  • Janne Yukiko Yoshikawa Oeiras - UFPA, BR
  • Joice Lee Otsuka - UFSCar, BR
  • Jonathan Grudin - Microsoft Research, US
  • Juliana Pereira Salles - Microsoft Research, US
  • Júnia Coutinho Anacleto - UFSCar, BR
  • Kecheng Liu - University of Reading, UK
  • Keiichi Nakata - University of Reading, UK
  • Lily Sun - University of Reading, UK
  • Lúcia Vilela Leite Filgueiras - Poli-USP, BR
  • Maria Cecília Calani Baranauskas - UNICAMP, BR
  • Maria Cecília Martins - UNICAMP, BR
  • Maria da Graça Campos Pimentel - USP-São Carlos, BR
  • Raquel da Cunha Recuero - UCPel, BR
  • Renata Pontin M. Fortes - USP-São Carlos, BR
  • Rodrigo Bonacin - CTI-Campinas, BR
  • Ronald Stamper - University of Twente, NL
  • Sidney Fels - University of British Columbia, CA
  • Stephen Gulliver - University of Reading, UK