WMT 2009

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WMT 2009
Subevent of EACL 2009
Dates Mar 30, 2009 (iCal) - Mar 31, 2009
Homepage: www.statmt.org/wmt09/
Location: Athens, Greece
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Important dates
Submissions: Jan 9, 2009
Notification: Jan 30, 2009
Camera ready due: Feb 13, 2009
Table of Contents


                       Athens, Greece
                    March 30 and 31, 2009


         Shared task test data release: December 8, 2008
           Paper submission deadline: January 9, 2009

This workshop builds on three previous workshops on statistical
machines translation: the NAACL-2006 Workshop on Statistical Machine
Translation, the ACL-2007 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation,
and the ACL-2008 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation. This
year's workshop will feature three shared tasks: a shared translation
task for 10 pairs of European languages, a shared evaluation task to
test automatic evaluation metrics, and a new system combination task
combining the output of all the systems entered into the shared
translation task.

The workshop will also feature scientific papers on topics related to
MT. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* word-based, phrase-based, syntax-based SMT
* using comparable corpora for SMT
* incorporating linguistic information into SMT
* decoding
* system combination
* error analysis
* manual and automatic method for evaluating MT
* scaling MT to very large data sets

We encourage authors to evaluate their approaches to the above topics
using the common data sets created for the shared tasks.


The first shared task which will examine translation between the
following language pairs:

* English-German and German-English
* English-French and French-English
* English-Spanish and Spanish-English
* English-Czech and Czech-English
* English-Hungarian and Hungarian-English

Participants may submit translations for any or all of the language
directions. In addition to the common test sets the workshop
organizers will provide optional training resources, including a newly
expanded release of the Europarl corpora and out-of-domain corpora.

All participants who submit entries will have their translations
evaluated. We will evaluate translation performance by human
judgment. To facilitate the human evaluation we will require
participants in the shared tasks to manually judge some of the
submitted translations.

A more detailed description of the shared translation task (including
information about the test and training corpora, a freely available MT
system, and a number of other resources) is available from
http://www.statmt.org/wmt09/translation-task.html. We also provide two
baseline machine translation systems, whose performance is comparable
to the best systems from last year's shared task.


Participants in the system combination task will be provided with the
1-best translations from each of the systems entered in the shared
translation task. We will endeavor to provide a held-out development
set for system combination, which will include translations from each
of the systems and a reference translation. Any system combination
strategy is acceptable, whether it selects the best translation on a
per sentence basis or create novel translations by combining the
systems' translations.

The quality of the system combinations will be judged alongside the
individual systems during the manual evaluation, as well as scored
with automatic evaluation metrics.

More details of the system combination task is available from


The evaluation task will assess automatic evaluation metrics'
ability to:

* Rank systems on their overall performance on the test set
* Rank systems on a sentence by sentence level

Participants in the shared evaluation task will use their automatic
evaluation metrics to score the output from the translation task and
the system combination task. They will be provided with the output
from the other two shared tasks along with reference translations. We
will measure the correlation of automatic evaluation metrics with the
human judgments.

More details of the shared evaluation task (including submission
formats and the collected manual evaluations from last year's
workshop) is available from


Submissions will consist of regular full papers of max. 8 pages,
formatted following the EACL 2009 guidelines. In addition, shared task
participants will be invited to submit short papers (max. 4 pages)
describing their systems or their evaluation metrics. Both submission
and review processes will be handled electronically.

We encourage individuals who are submitting research papers to
evaluate their approaches using the training resources provided by
this workshop and past workshops, so that their experiments can be
repeated by others using these publicly available corpora.


Paper submission dates:

January   9, 2009   Paper submission deadline (long and short papers)
January  30, 2009   Notification of acceptance
February 13, 2009   Camera-ready deadline

System submission and evaluation dates:

December  8, 2008   Test set distributed for translation task
December 12, 2008   Submission deadline for translation task
December 22, 2008   Translations release for system combination
January   5, 2009   System combination deadline
January  12, 2009   Translations (and combinations) released for 
January  23, 2009   Automatic evaluation scores due
January  12, 2009   Start of manual evaluation period
January  30, 2009   End of manual evaluation


Subscribe to the announcement list for WMT09 by visiting the
Workshop's web site: http://www.statmt.org/wmt09/

This list will be used to announce when the test sets are released, to
indicate any corrections to the training sets, and to amend the
deadlines as needed.


Chris Callison-Burch (Johns Hopkins University)
Philipp Koehn (University of Edinburgh)
Christof Monz (University of London)
Josh Schroeder (University of Edinburgh)


For questions, comments, etc. please send email to pkoehn@inf.ed.ac.uk

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP