ABMC 2012

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isA Event
Acronym ABMC 2012
Title Asian Business and Management Conference
Start date 2012/11/16
End date 2012/11/18
Homepage http://abmc.iafor.org/index.html
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The International Academic Forum in conjunction with its global partners is proud to announce the Third Annual Asian Business and Management Conference, to be held from November 16-18 2012 in the great and exciting trading city of Osaka, Japan.

Negotiating a Way Forward: Asia Post Crisis and Post Catastrophe

After a difficult 2011 with extreme natural and man-made disasters in Japan and Thailand as well as unconvincing growth in China and Eurofears threatening an anemic economic recovery in Asia, the region seems poised for growth, if less exciting than in the previous decade.

Japan has targeted 2% inflation, a potentially huge step after years of deflation, entered the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) talks, reconstruction is stimulating the economy, and Japanese businesses are using the strong yen to acquire overseas competitors. China, with Japan, claims it is ready to cooperate on the Eurozone debt crisis, as wage increases threaten greater inflation troubles internally. Myanmar seems ready to return to the regional economy promising opportunities for major investment and regional coordination. From India to Hokkaido, is the region preparing for growth? Will it be sustainable, or just old-school infrastructure projects? Will it be another boom and bust cycle?

Come to ABMC, discuss the future and how we got this far. As with last year, the Conference sessions will be wide-ranging, covering both policy and research. ABMC 2012 will bring together experts and leaders from the academic and business world to answer these questions and more; to both reflect on the recent past, and look forward, to exchange ideas, and share research findings in the exciting environment of Osaka, Japan.

ABMC 2012 Conference Chairs

Jerry Platt Professor of Business, Akita International University, Japan Professor Emeritus, College of Business, San Francisco State University, USA

Will Baber Associate Professor, Kyoto University Graduate School of Management, Japan


Extended Deadline for submission of abstracts: September 25 2012

Results of abstract reviews returned to authors: August 15 2012

Deadline for full conference registration payment for all presenters: November 1 2012

Full Conference Programme Published Online: November 6 2012

Deadline for full paper: December 1 2012

Conference Proceedings published: January 15 2012

ABMC Conference: November 16-18 2012