ACAS 2012

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isA Event
Acronym ACAS 2012
Title Asian Conference on Asian Studies
Start date 2012/06/01
End date 2012/06/03
... ...

Call for Papers: ***Extended Deadline May 1, 2012***

The International Academic Forum in conjunction with its global partners is proud to announce the Second Asian Conference on Asian Studies to be held from June 1-3 2012, at the Ramada Osaka, Osaka, Japan.

Hear the latest research, publish before a global audience, present in a supportive environment, network, engage in new relationships, experience Japan, explore Osaka and Kyoto, join a global academic community...

Conference Theme: "Encounters and Exchanges"

The aim of this International Conference on Asian studies is to encourage academics, scholars and practitioners representing a exciting diversity of countries, cultures, and religions to meet and exchange research, ideas and views in a forum encouraging respectful dialogue. ACAS 2012 will afford the opportunity for renewing old acquaintances, making new contacts, and networking across higher education and beyond.

We hope that the conference theme will again encourage academic and personal encounters and exchanges across national, religious, cultural and disciplinary divides. We look forward to seeing you (again) in Osaka in 2012!

The Reverend Professor Stuart D. B Picken Order of the Sacred Treasure, B.D., Ph.D., F.R.A.S. Chairman, Japan Society of Scotland, Chairman of the IAFOR International Advisory Board ACAS/ACCS 2012 Conference Chair

Deadline for submission of abstracts: May 1 2012

Results of abstract reviews returned to authors: Usually within two weeks of submission

Deadline for submission of full papers: July 1 2012

Deadline for full conference registration payment for all presenters: May 15 2012

Conference Programme Published Online: May 20 2012

ACAS Conference: June 1-3 2012