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isA Event
Acronym ACIIDS 2010
Title Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems
Start date 2010/03/24
End date 2010/03/26
... ...
Dear Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to submit papers to conference:

2nd Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems 

Hue University, Hue City, Vietnam
26 - 28 March 2010


Welcome! ACIIDS-2010 is an international scientific conference for 
research in the field of intelligent information and database systems. The
aim of the conference is to provide an internationally respected forum for
scientific research in the technologies and applications of intelligent
information and database systems. This conference will provide and
excellent opportunity for researchers to discuss modern approaches and
techniques for agent and multi-agent systems and their applications.

Papers are invited from prospective authors with interests on the 
indicated conference topics and related areas of application. All 
contributions should be original and not published elsewhere or intended 
to be published during the review period. Contributions from more applied
related fields in industry and commerce are very welcome. All accepted
papers must be presented by one of the authors who must
register for the conference and pay the fee. The conference proceedings 
will be published by *Springer* in the prestigious series *LNCS/LNAI*  and
will be indexed by EI, Thomson ISI. Ph.D. students are invited  to submit
papers to Doctoral Track. Workshops and Special Sessions are  also

A selected number of accepted and personally presented papers will be 
expanded and revised for possible inclusion in special issues in the 
following prestigious international journals: Information Sciences 
 (ISI, SCI); New Generation Computing ") 
(ISI, SCI); International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge 
Engineering ") 
(ISI, SCI); Journal of Universal Computer Science ") 
(ISI, SCI); International Journal of Intelligent Information and
Database Systems ") (EI, DBLP, Scopus, 

- Workshop proposals due:     31 Jul. 2009
- Submission of papers:       20 Sep. 2009
- Notification of acceptance: 05 Nov. 2009
- Authors registration and payment: 30 Nov. 2009
- Conference dates: 24 Mar. - 26 Mar. 2010

Email Enquiries:

Best regards,
Ngoc Thanh Nguyen
Manh Thanh Le
Swiatek Jerzy
ACIIDS 2010 Conference Chairs

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP