ACSS 2012
Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | ACSS 2012 |
Title | The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences |
Start date | 2012/05/03 |
End date | 2012/05/06 |
Homepage | |
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- Deadline for submission of abstracts EXTENDED: April 1 2012***
The International Academic Forum in conjunction with its global partners is proud to announce the Third Asian Conference on the Social Sciences, at the Ramada Hotel, Osaka, Japan to be held from May 3-6 2012.
Theme: "Working Together Towards a Sustainable World"
The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2010 and 2011 hosted a combined total of more than 600 academics and thought leaders from around the globe in a celebration of interdisciplinary study in the social sciences. In 2012 we hope to build on the conversations and partnerships started in the previous two years, and to forge new relationships as we again encourage academics and scholars to meet and exchange ideas and views in a forum encouraging respectful dialogue.
This year's conference will again include a variety of presenters representing a wide range of social science disciplines, expressing divergent views, searching for common ground, and creating the synergies that can inspire multi-disciplinary collaborations. In developing these relationships among ourselves, the role of the social sciences is strengthened as we take our place at the table, along with scholars in the STEM disciplines (i.e., science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), in seeking solutions to the complex issues and problems of the 21st century. I sincerely hope that we will use this time together, not just for intellectual discovery and discourse, but to establish a common vision and to motivate each other to do our part in the creation of a better world. We greatly appreciate your attendance and encourage your active engagement throughout the conference
Professor Stuart D. B. Picken Chairman, IAFOR International Advisory Board
ACSS 2012 will be held alongside ACSEE 2012, or the Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment, and registrants for either conference will be given the opportunity to attend sessions in the parallel event at no extra charge. Please click on the banner below to go to the ACSEE 2012 sister site.
Results of abstract reviews returned to authors: Usually within two weeks of submission
Deadline for submission of full papers: June 1 2012
Deadline for full conference registration payment for all presenters: April 15 2012
Conference Programme Published Online: April 22 2012
ACSS Conference: May 3-6 2012