AIAEP 2009

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isA Event
Acronym AIAEP 2009
Title 1st Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Applications in Environmental Protection
Start date Apr 22, 2009
End date Apr 23, 2009
... ...

           1st Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Applications
                        in Environmental Protection

                            in conjunction with

       5th IFIP Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations
                                 AIAI 2009

                 April 22 - 25, 2009, Thessaloniki, Greece


We invite you to participate at the workshop AIAEP?2009 with a paper
(regular or short) and/or poster in all fields of environmental protection
in which you are applying or have applied artificial intelligence
techniques. New or improved techniques, as well as innovative applications
are welcome. A special emphasis will be given to the application of
knowledge-based systems, expert systems, decision support systems, machine
learning, data mining, case-based reasoning, artificial neural networks,
genetic algorithms, soft computing, spatial and temporal reasoning,
planning, multiagent systems, and fuzzy logic to all areas of environmental

Authors planning to submit a contribution must contact as soon as possible
the Workshop Chairs by e-mail indicating the type of contribution: a paper
(regular or short) and/or a poster. A provisional title should be provided,
including an abstract (maximum half-page).

Authors should electronically send their original paper or/and poster to
the Workshop Chairs (emails below) by February 6, 2009. The length of each
paper including figures should be limited to 10 pages (regular papers) and
6 pages (short papers) using font size of 10 points. Each paper should
start with an abstract of no more than 150 words and should include a list
of five keywords. Posters' size should be A1 format.

Each paper will be reviewed by at least 2 reviewers from the Workshop
Organizing Committee. Each poster will be checked by at least 1 member of
the Workshop Organizing Committee

Notification of provisional acceptance will be sent prior to March 6, 2009.
The Workshop Organising Committee must receive final workshop camera-ready
papers, revised according to the suggestions of the reviewers no later than
March 27, 2009. Approved posters should be also electronically delivered by
March 27, 2009 to appear in a full or abstracted form in the final Workshop
Notes. In addition, physical posters should be brought and exhibited at the
workshop site at Thessaloniki.

Final accepted contributors must register both for the workshop itself and
for the main IFIP AIAI'2009 Conference (with a single fee) in order to be
able to attend the workshop.

Every participant at the workshop will get a CD with the proceedings of all
workshops and a few hard copies will be available for people interested in
hard copies. Furthermore, there will be arrangements from the AIAI-2009
organizers to publish all the workshop proceedings on-line at CEUR workshop

All the papers (regular and short) in an extended form will be reviewed,
and those selected will be published in a special issue of an international
journal which will be announced at the next call.

Deadline for papers submission:                	February 6, 2009
Notification of acceptance:         		March 6, 2009
Final revised camera-ready papers:  		March 27, 2009
Workshop:					April 22 or 23, 2009

Contact details for the Workshop Chairs
Mihaela Oprea
University Petroleum-Gas of Ploiesti, 
Department of Informatics, 
Bd. Bucuresti Nr. 39, 
Ploiesti, 100680, Romania,

Nick Bassiliades
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 
Department of Informatics, 
54124, Thessaloniki, Greece

Workshop Program Committee:

Nick Bassiliades, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Vladan Devedzic, University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
Ioannis Douros, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Karina Gibert, Technical University of Catalonia, Catalonia, Spain
Tony Jakeman,  The Australian National University, Australia
Mihaela Oprea, University Petroleum-Gas of Ploiesti, Romania
Ignasi Rodriguez-Roda, University of Girona, Catalonia, Spain
Miquel Sanchez-Marre, Technical University of Catalonia, Catalonia, Spain
Grigorios Tsoumakas, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Franz Wotawa, Technical University of Graz, Austria


This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP