AMDO 2008

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isA Event
Acronym AMDO 2008
Title International Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects
Start date Jul 9, 2008
End date Jul 11, 2008
... ...

The Spanish Association for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (AERFAI) and the Mathematics and Computer Science Department of UIB  are organising the fifth international conference AMDO 2008  that will take place in Puerto de Andratx, Mallorca. This conference, IAPR endorsed, is the natural evolution of the AMDO's previous workshops. The goal of this conference is to promote interaction and collaboration among researchers working directly in the areas covered by the main tracks. New perceptual user interfaces and emerging technologies strengthen the relationship between areas involved with human-computer interaction. The new perspective of the AMDO 2008 conference will be to reinforce the relationship between the many areas that have as key point the study of the human body using computer technologies as the main tool.

It is a great opportunity to encourage links between research in the areas of computer vision, computer graphics, advanced multimedia applications and multimodal interfaces that share common problems and frequently use similar techniques or tools. In this particular edition the related topics are divided in several parallel tracks, including the topics above proposed.

AMDO 2008 will consist in three days of lecture sessions, both regular and invited presentations, a poster session and international tutorials. The conference fee includes a social program (conference dinner, coffee breaks, snacks and cultural activities). Students, IAPR, EG, and AERFAI members can register at a reduced fee.

The invited speakers will be: Prof. Pantic, M. - (Imperial College London, UK / Univ. of Twente, Netherlands), Prof. Boyer, E. (LJK / UJF / INRIA Rhone-Alpes, France) and Prof. Abascal, J. (Univ. of Pais Vasc, Spain).

TOPICS INCLUDE (but not restricted to):

Track 1: Computer Graphics (Human Modelling & Animation)
Track 2: Human Motion (Analysis, Tracking, 3D Reconstruction & Recognition)
Track 3: Multimodal User Interaction (VR & AR, Speech, Biometrics)
Track 4: Advanced Multimedia Systems (Standards, Indexed Video Contents)


Papers should describe original and unpublished work about the above or closely related topics. Please submit your paper electronically at out website (see URL below) using the software provided. All submissions should be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. The AMDO2008 secretariat must receive your paper before February 22, 2008, 17:00 (GMT).

Up to 10 A4 pages will be considered. All papers submitted will be subjected to a blind review process by at least three members of the program committee. The initial paper must not provide names and affiliation, and should include a title, a 150-word abstract, keywords and paper manuscript. Accepted papers will appear in the LNCS Springer-Verlag international proceedings that will be published and distributed to all participants at the workshop. For more details and news, visit our web page.

Upload submissions at: If you experience any problems with the system, please don't hesitate to contact the administrators for help.

N.B. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and to present the communication at the conference, if accepted.

Submission of papers: 	February 22, 2008
Notification of acceptance: 	March 31, 2008
Camera-ready: 	April 30, 2008
Early registration: 	May 31, 2008
Late registration: 	June 30, 2008
V AMDO Conference 2008 	July 9-11th, 2008

ORGANISING COMMITTEE: Gonzalez, M., Igelmo, A., Mas, R., Jaume, A., Mascaró P, M., Palmer, P., Manresa, C., Varona, X., Buades, J. M., Abasolo, M.J., Miró, M., Delgado, A., Fiol, G., Arellano, D., Rossi, J., Nicolau, G. (Dep. Math & Computer Science, UIB).

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP