APCCM 2019

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Name Value
isA Event
Acronym APCCM 2019
Title 15th Asia-Pacific Conference on Conceptual Modelling
Start date 2019/01/29
End date 2019/01/31
Homepage http://www.ict.griffith.edu.au/conferences/apccm2019/index.html
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Conference Topics

APCCM invites contributions addressing current research in conceptual modelling as well as experiences, novel applications and future challenges. Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:

* Business, enterprise, process and services modelling;
*     Big data modelling
*     Concepts, concept theories and ontologies;
*     Conceptual modelling and user participation;
*     Conceptual modelling for
*         Decision support and expert systems;
*         Digital libraries;
*         E-business, e-commerce and e-banking systems;
*         Health care systems;
*         Knowledge management systems;
*         Mobile information systems;
*         User interfaces; and
*         Web-based systems; 
*     Conceptual modelling of semi-structured data and XML;
*     NoSQL and NewSQL Databases
*     Conceptual modelling of spatial, temporal and biological data;
*     Conceptual modelling quality;
*     Conceptual models for cloud computing applications;
*     Conceptual models for supporting requirement engineering;
*     Conceptual models in management science;
*     Design patterns and object-oriented design;
*     Evolution and change in conceptual models;
*     Implementations of information systems;
*     Data Semantics and Integrity Constraints
*     Information and schema integration;
*     Information customisation and user profiles;
*     Information recognition and information modelling;
*     Information retrieval, analysis, visualisation and prediction;
*     Information systems design methodologies;
*     Knowledge discovery, knowledge representation and knowledge management;
*     Methods for developing, validating and communicating conceptual models;
*     Models for the Semantic Web;
*     Philosophical, mathematical and linguistic foundations of conceptual models;
*     Reuse, reverse engineering and reengineering; and
*     Software engineering and tools for information systems development.