APEC 2020

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isA Event
Acronym APEC 2020
Title IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition
Start date 2020/06/30
End date
Homepage https://apec-conf.org/conference/schedule-1/
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Virtual Schedule To date, all the technical and program materials have been distributed electronically via the APEC mobile app, website, or other electronic means to our registered attendees for download. You can access all the content through the feeds below. Registered attendees can log in to the Event Scribe website to download the full proceedings.

The virtual conference will start on 30 June 2020 at 8:00 AM CDT (GMT -5) with all sessions being made available simultaneously, on-demand on the ON24 platform. A detailed schedule and links to sessions will be available through this website.

Originaly planned: New Orleans, Louisiana, March 15 – 19