ASMDA 2008

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isA Event
Acronym ASMDA 2008
Title XIII International Conference, Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis
Start date Jun 30, 2009
End date Jul 3, 2009
... ...

Since 1981, the aim of ASMDA has been to serve as an interface between Stochastic Modeling and Data Analysis and their real life applications such as business, finance and insurance, management, production and reliability, biology and medicine. The 2009 Symposium will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania. Both theoretical and practical contributions presenting new results and having the potential for solving real-life problems are concerned. Acting as an interface between theory and practice, ASMDA is of great interest for both the academic and the business world. The high standard of ASMDA meetings is guaranteed by international scientific committees and recently by a permanent world-wide ASMDA Committee.

Scientific Programme

Our main objective is to publish papers, both theoretical or practical, presenting new results having potential for solving real-life problems. Another important objective is to present new methods for solving these problems by analyzing the relevant data. Also, the use of recent advances in different fields, will be promoted such as for example, new optimization and statistical methods, data warehouse, data mining and knowledge systems, computing-aided decision supports and neural computing.

The preceding international ASMDA Symposium were organized in Brussels (1981, 1983, 1985), Belgium, in Nancy (1988), France, in Granada (1991), Spain, in Chania (1993), Greece, in Dublin (1995), Ireland, in Anacapri (1997), Italy, in Lisboa (1999), Portugal, in Compiègne (2001), France, Brest (2005), France and Chania, Crete (2007), Greece.

In general, the proceeding volumes were published by international scientific publishers or local publishers.

The Symposium 2009 will focus on new trends in theory, applications and software of Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis. ASMDA 2009 will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Particular interest will be given to interesting applications in engineering, productions and services (maintenance, reliability, planning and control, quality control, finance, insurance, management and administration, inventory and logistics, marketing, environment, human resources, biotechnology, medicine, ...).

Methodological approaches

    * Poisson, Markov, semi-Markov processes,
    * Point processes,
    * Martingales, Stochastic calculus,
    * Random evolutions,
    * Decision and Controlled Processes,
    * Diffusion and Poisson approximations,
    * Asymptotic models and Weak Convergences,
    * Statistical inference for Stochastic processes ,
    * Hidden Markov and semi-Markov processes,
    * Fitting models for data,
    * Reliability and survival analysis,
    * Bayesian inference,
    * Functional data analysis,
    * Discriminant and Regression Analysis,
    * Mixture model and Probabilistic approach to Clustering,
    * Analysis of complex data (incomplete, censored, missing, spatio-temporal, imprecise, fuzzy,...),
    * Theories of uncertainty,
    * Graphical models and Bayesian networks,
    * Multidimensional Scaling and Multi-way Data Analysis,
    * Sensory Analysis,
    * Classification and Documentation,
    * Data and Text Mining,
    * Chaotic and Stochastic processes,
    * Analysis of Chaotic processes. 

Special techniques and algorithms :

    * Neural Networks,
    * Genetic and Fuzzy Algorithms,
    * Support Vector Machine,
    * Monte Carlo Methods
    * Chaotic Simulation. 

The Symposium includes three types of presentations

Key Note Speakers on the main topics of the Symposium selected by the Scientific Program Committee;

Contributed papers proposed by authors;

Invited specialized sessions proposed by the Scientific Program Committee.

Time and location

The conference will be held in Vilnius, Lithuania, on June 30 �?? July 3 , 2009.

The sittings will take place in the Reval Hotel Lietuva (preliminarily) , located in the center of Vilnius, (see : RevalHotelLietuva ).

Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, becomes one of the most beautiful cities in Central and Eastern Europe. It stretches along both banks of the fast flowing Neris River and is situated among hills and pine forests. Vilnius is a very old city indeed , and its Old Town with beautiful buildings in the late Gothics and Renaissance style merits to be explored.


Participants are welcome both from academics, but also industry, media and institutions concerned with statistics and knowledge. Representatives of those areas from practice participating get in contact with leading experts of data analysis and statistical modeling in knowledge-based technologies , learn the state-of-the-art of research and about new academic software tools applicable in future. Participants from the academic sector are informed about the challenges which the practitioners face and about their needs when data analysis problems are used for finding new solutions and products. As participants, there will be Invited Speakers, Contributed Sessions, but also Invited Sessions organized by special experts gained who are excellently prepared in order to display best the directions and schools of modern statistical methods and data analysis related with knowledge-based technologies, together with their colleagues. Finally, the relatively low registration fee allows the participation of a considerable number of Ph.D. students both from the new and forthcoming EU countries as well as from the old EU countries.


We encourage researchers, in particular young , to present their research related with applied statistics models and data analysis for discussion and take part in the tutorials on the challenging topics of applied statistics models and data analysis, held during the conference.

The proceedings of the conference will be published by and delivered during the conference.

Invited and pecial session papers on the subject of the conference will be published in top rating journals. 

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP