AVI 2008

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isA Event
Acronym AVI 2008
Title International working conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces
Start date May 28, 2008
End date May 30, 2008
Homepage hci.uniroma1.it/avi2008/index.html
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Objectives and Topics 
The 9th International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2008) will be held in Naples, Italy, May 28-30, 2008. Started in 1992 in Rome, and held every two years in different Italian towns, the Conference traditionally brings together experts in different areas of computer science who have a common interest in the conception, design and implementation of visual and, more generally, perceptual interfaces, with a growing interest for mobile devices such as smartphones, palmtops and PDAs, in the framework of both traditional and emerging environments, such as ubiquitous and pervasive computer applications. Both formal methods and concrete applications well fit into the framework of the conference, whose program also includes invited talks, given by leaders in the field. Submissions are solicited under the following broad categories, and with respect, but not limited to, the following specific topics.

Overall Categories:
Interaction models and techniques
Interactive visualization
Interactive systems
User interaction studies

Specific topics
Visual Interface Design 
Visual Interaction 
Information Visualization 
Graph Layout 
Visual Databases 
Visual Querying 
Visual Data Mining 
Adaptive Interfaces 
Animated Interfaces 
Web Interfaces 
Interface Metaphors 
Multimodal Interfaces 
Natural Interaction 
Perceptual Interfaces 
Context Aware Interaction 
Virtual and Augmented Reality 
Interface Evaluation 
Cognitive Models of the User 
End-User Development 
Controlled Studies and Usability Testing 
Computer Supported Cooperative Work 
Hypermedia & Multimedia Applications 
Digital media environments 
Map-based interaction 
Mobile interaction design 
Web-based social interaction 
New media and cultural heritage 
Authors should indicate the type of contribution they are submitting:

Full papers (8 pages), describing original and unpublished work about the above or closely related topics, categorized in one of the following two: 
Advanced research, on innovative interaction paradigms and systems 
Mature solutions, on advances in traditional forms of interaction 
Poster papers (4 pages), describing promising work in progress. 
System papers (2 pages), accompanied by a demonstration of the software prototype. 

This CfP was obtained from WikiCFP