Name | Value |
isA | Event |
Acronym | CALDAM 2018 |
Title | CALDAM 2018 : 4th Annual Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics |
Start date | 2018/02/15T12:00:00 |
End date | 2018/02/17T12:00:00 |
Homepage | |
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CALDAM 2018 invites papers describing original research in the areas of design,
analysis and experimental evaluation of algorithms and in discrete applied
mathematics. Papers must be typeset using LaTeX/LaTeX2e and may not exceed 12
pages in LNCS style, including bibliographic references. Further details may be
included in a clearly marked appendix that will be read at the discretion of the
program committee. Only electronic submission is allowed. Submitted papers must
describe previously unpublished work and may not be submitted concurrently to
another conference with refereed proceedings or to a refereed journal. There
will be Best Paper Awards of Springer for outstanding research papers.
The range of topics within the scope of CALDAM 2018 includes (but is not limited to) the following
Approximation Algorithms Combinatorial Algorithms Combinatorial Optimization Computational Biology Computational Complexity Computational Geometry Data Structures Experimental Algorithm Methodologies Graph Algorithms Graph Drawing Parallel and Distributed Algorithms Parameterized Complexity Network Optimization Online Algorithms Randomized Algorithms Combinatorics Graph Theory Discrete Geometry
The proceedings of accepted papers will be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science by Springer: LNCS . Also, selected papers of CALDAM 2018 are likely to be published as a special issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics (DAM) like previous years.
Paper Submission: September 28, 2017, AOE Notification of Acceptance: November 11, 2017 Camera-ready Version: November 28, 2017 Pre-Conference School: February 12-13, 2018 Conference: February 15-17, 2018
Submissions may be made using the server at
Subir Kumar Ghosh (Chair), Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, India János Pach, École Polytechnique Fédérale De Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland Nicola Santoro, School of Computer Science, Carleton University, Canada Swami Sarvattomananda, Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University, India Peter Widmayer, Institute of Theoretical Computer Science, ETH Zürich, Switzerland. Chee Yap Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, USA.
John Augustine, IIT Madras, India Amitabha Bagchi, IIT Delhi, India Niranjan Balachandran, IIT Mumbai, India Partha P Bhowmick, IIT Kharagpur, India Bostjan Bresar, University of Maribor, Slovenia Sunil Chandran, IISc Bengaluru, India Manoj Changat, University of Kerala, India Sandip Das, ISI Kolkata, India Zachary Frigstaad, University of Alberta, Canada Sumit Ganguly, IIT Kanpur, India Daya Gaur, University of Lethbridge, Canada Partha Goswami (PC Co-Chair), University of Calcutta, India Sathish Govindarajan, IISC Bangalore, India Ajit A Diwan, IIT Mumbai, India Subrahmanyam Kalyanasundaram, IIT Hyderabad, India Gyula O. H. Katona, Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Hungary Sandi Klavzar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Ramesh Krishnamurti, Simon Fraser University, Canada Van Bang Le, Universität Rostock, Institut für Informatik, Germany Anil Maheshwari, Carleton University, Canada Kaz Makino, Tokyo University, Japan Bodo Manthey, University of Twente, Netherlands Rogers Mathew, IIT Kharagpur, India Bojan Mohar, Simon Fraser University, Canada Apurva Mudgal, IIT Ropar, India Andrzej Lingas, Lund University, Sweden N S Narayanaswamy, IIT Madras, India Sudebkumar Pal, IIT Kharagpur, India Bhawani S. Panda (PC Co-Chair), IIT Delhi, India Abraham P. Punnen, Simon Fraser University, Canada Venkatesh Raman, IMSc Chennai, India Günter Rote, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany Michiel Smid, Carleton University, Canada C R Subramanian, IMSc Chennai, India Ambat Vijayakumar, Cochin University of Science and Technology, India Alexander Wolff, Universität Würzburg, Germany
Santosh Biswas Gautam K. Das R. Inkulu (Chair) Deepanjan Kesh Pinaki Mitra S. V. Rao